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Currant-loaf is now popular eating in all house- holds. For weeks before the great morning, confectioners display stacks of Scotch bun a dense, black substance, inimical to life and full moons of shortbread adorned with mottoes of peel or sugar-plum, in honour of the season and the family affections.

Currant-loaf is now popular eating in all households. For weeks before the great morning, confectioners display stacks of Scots bun a dense, black substance, inimical to life and full moons of shortbread adorned with mottoes of peel or sugar-plum, in honour of the season and the family affections.

But they managed to procure a loaf and a currant-loaf, which they hacked to pieces with shut-knives, and ate sitting on the wall near the bridge, watching the bright Derwent rushing by, and the brakes from Matlock pulling up at the inn. Paul was now pale with weariness. He had been responsible for the party all day, and now he was done.

'Mister Cheek's a man, observed Miss Glitters, eyeing him archly, as he sat stuffing his mouth with currant-loaf plentifully besmeared with raspberry-jam. 'He'll be wanting a wife soon, added she, smiling across the table at Captain Seedeybuck. 'I question but he's got one, observed the captain. 'No, ar haven't, replied Cheek, pleased at the imputation. 'Then there's a chance for you.

Peter looked wistfully up at him and hunched himself against the scratched bare knees now blue with cold. "When the sun touches the top of West Law," said Jean, pointing to a distant blue peak, "it has set. See there.... Now run in, sonny, and tell Mrs. M'Cosh to let you have some currant-loaf for tea. Pamela and I are going to tea at Hopetoun." "Aw," said Mhor, "I hate when you go out to tea.

"Here you are, matey; there's a bit of cheese and biscuits. I've a bit of water heatin', too; we'll get you something to drink. Get something into you; we ain't bad done for 'ere with our parcels comin' reglar." The other men brought out boxes, too, currant-loaf, sardines, fruit-cake, and chocolate. There were three coal-stoves in the room, and on one of these a pan of water was steaming.

"If it had not been washing-day I would have baked you a currant-loaf, or some scones; but having only two hands, and no chick or child to help me, and " "Oh, we shall do very nicely," returned Elizabeth cheerfully. "Please do not let us hinder you, Mrs. Pratt; if you will keep the water boiling we can easily replenish the teapot. Mr.

Do you know," he continued, as Elaine fed herself and the mare with morsels of currant-loaf, "I don't think any tragedy in literature that I have ever come across impressed me so much as the first one, that I spelled out slowly for myself in words of three letters: the bad fox has got the red hen.