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Other experiments, by excluding air from the gelatine cultures, or placing them under an exhausted bell jar, or in an atmosphere of carbonic acid, went to prove that they required air and oxygen for their growth; but the deprivation did not kill them, since on removing them from these conditions they again began to grow.

We didn't have much company, but I didn't miss it; I had the lake, the woods, the animals . . ." For the first time since he'd left for the Academy, Tarlac felt a twinge of homesickness. He wondered why, briefly, before dismissing it. It had to be the mural; Linda had said that art could evoke emotion even between cultures. "You alone grew up? No kin had?" Hovan sounded faintly shocked.

"Well, don't tell me so," she answered a trifle ungraciously. "Miss Dear is cross to-day," Sheila explained. "The milk did not come for Gaspard to make the poor people's custard, crême renversé, he makes deliciously good, and we give it to the clerking girls." "The buttermilk cultures were bad," Nancy said. "And I wasn't able to get any of the preparations of it, that I can trust.

While the use of pure cultures in this way is an advantage over the method of simply allowing the cream to ripen normally without such additions, it is a method that is decidedly inferior to that which first pasteurizes the cream and subsequently adds a starter.

That other belief, widely held by German intellectuals and officers that war is the testing of the validity of national cultures would also probably never have appeared on the scene had not Germany been secure in the belief that she herself had both the right and the might on her side.

It gives rise to some thinking on communication, private life, freedom of expression, the values we are attached to and those we are ready to get rid of, and it is this effect which makes it such a powerful, important medium." The Web must not only give the necessary space to all languages but it must also respect all cultures. We have to remember to respect national cultures and social systems."

In the allocation of this funding, special emphasis will be given to: Humanities education in the nation's schools, in response to the great needs that have arisen in this area; Scholarly research designed to increase our understanding of the cultures, traditions, and historical forces at work in other nations and in our own;

According to T. H. Morgan, it is simply due to the fact that the determinants for such characters are situated in the sex-chromosome. Morgan, however, also states that a case of true sexual dimorphism arose as a mutation in his cultures of Drosphilia. The character was eosin colour in the eye instead of the red colour of the eye in the original fly.

At stake was the fate of millions of acres of beautiful land, outstanding and unique wildlife populations, native cultures, and the opportunity to ensure that future generations of Americans would be able to enjoy the benefits of these nationally significant resources.

"You see," he said, "I never sent you one when you were married, and I'd like to send you a double one now, for yourselves and for us. You send me word what it is you most need for the hospital, an X-ray outfit, or a sterilizer, or a thingamajig for making cultures, microscope included, and Jeannette and I will see that you get it.