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I didn't look at it to see. "This is a 'cuddy. There's ever so many 'cuddies' in this house to hide in. I've gone and hid. Nobody'll ever find me. My father'll say, 'Why, where's that child? And my mother'll say, 'I don't know. And they'll hunt all over the house; and I shall keep my head in my apron, and won't say a word. "Then Prudy'll say, 'O, my darling sister Dotty!

Some have pits; but they commonly use tubs. I saw brogues very well tanned; and every man can make them. They all make candles of the tallow of their beasts, both moulded and dipped; and they all make oil of the livers of fish. The little fish called Cuddies produce a great deal.

And this great mass of ruddy netting lying in the shed, with its perfect floats and accurate sinkers this was not like the makeshift that had captured the cuddies. Then on the morning that the Mary of Argyle put to sea on her trial trip, her owner was on board; but he merely sat on a thwart. It was Rob who was at the tiller; Rob wanted to try the boat; the owner wanted to observe the crew.

"I believe," he said dryly, "you call that noise of yours 'the College Tramp; in the Senatus we speak o't as 'the Cuddies' Trudge. Now gentlemen, I'm not unwilling to allow a little noise on the last day of the session, but really you must behave more quietly.

They all make candles of the tallow of their beasts, both moulded and dipped; and they all make oil of the livers of fish. The little fish called cuddies produce a great deal. They sell some oil out of the island, and they use it much for light in their houses, in little iron lamps, most of which they have from England; but of late their own blacksmith makes them.

The work below was arduous: the hulk crowded with the entangling machinery of sixteen engines, cuddies, ports, spars, levers, hatches, stancheons, floating trunks, bibulous boxes heavy with drink, and the awful, mysterious gloom of the water, which is not night or darkness, but the absence of any ray to touch the sensitive optic nerve.

And if there were twenty thousand eediots like yourself, sorrow a Duncan Jopp would hang the fewer. But there's no splairging possible in a camp; and if you were to go to it, you would find out for yourself whether Lord Well'n'ton approves of caapital punishment or not. You a sodger!" he cried, with a sudden burst of scorn. "Ye auld wife, the sodgers would bray at ye like cuddies!"

For that evening, when it grew a little more towards dusk, they would make their first cast with their net. Yes; and that evening, when it had quite turned to dusk, the people of Erisaig were startled with a new proclamation. 'Cuddies' is the familiar name in those parts for young saithe. 'Trawling, again, means there the use of an ordinary seine. 'Fleein' a dragon' flying a kite.

He rummaged old cuddies, closets, vaults, and cocklofts, and pried into every recess of the Chancery, the Land Office, the Committee-Rooms, and the Council-Chamber, searching up-stairs and down-stairs, wherever a truant paper was supposed to lurk.

His signal was unattended to. He then called to the men who lounged idly on before, "Stand to your beasts' beads, and make room for the Laird to pass." "He shall have his share of the road," answered a male gipsy from under his slouched and large-brimmed hat, and without raising his face, "and he shall have nae mair; the highway is as free to our cuddies as to his gelding."