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And further, what of my past gay months of carousal and of singing "Sing cucu, sing cucu, sing cucu," at ungodly hours, I knew I was not conditioned for a long contest. Quick and brilliant was my decision. But quick and brilliant was a difficult matter with so consummate a swordsman as Fortini opposed to me.

Pons shrugged his shoulders. "Has he not been waiting two hours as it is?" "Why didn't you call me?" He regarded me with a thoughtful, censorious eye. "And you rolling to bed and shouting like chanticleer, 'Sing cucu, sing cucu, cucu nu nu cucu, sing cucu, sing cucu, sing cucu, sing cucu." He mocked me with the senseless refrain in an ear-jangling falsetto.

"Which was the heart of one, a black buzzard, you said, by name Martinelli whoever he may be for the heart of Martinelli smoking on a gold platter. The platter must be gold, you said; and you said I must call you by singing, 'Sing cucu, sing cucu, sing cucu. Whereat you began to teach me how to sing, 'Sing cucu, sing cucu, sing cucu."

But my voice had strengthened with the exercise, and I began to sing, "Sing cucu, sing cucu, sing cucu." And sing I did until my door clanged and the bolts and locks squeaked and grated fast. Now that I had learned the trick the way was easy. And I knew the way was bound to become easier the more I travelled it.

It is quite a mistake to suppose I shall be jealous. You've no idea what a magnanimous elder brother you've got." So Adrian had said when they came in, and had felt his way to the piano it was extraordinary how he had learned to feel his way about and had played the air of "Sumer is ycumin in, lhude sing cucu," with the courage of a giant.

The Açores are held to have been a continuation of the mountains of Estrella, which join the sea coast beside the town of Cintra; and the Sierra Verde, or Green-mountains, which reach the coast, near the city of Sasin in the land of Cucu, or the island of Moudim in which Algarbe is situated, are supposed to have reached to Porto Santo and Madeira.