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After that the talk became general, Dave learning more concerning the tour and who from Crumville and vicinity had signed to go, and the others asking for the details concerning the mine, and about the doings of Job Haskers and Link Merwell. "You steer clear of that rascally teacher and young Merwell," advised Dave's father. "They are a bad lot." "I'll steer clear if I can," answered Dave.

Joseph had been coming along the side of the orchard when he had espied the fellow and had called to him, thinking it was some boy from Crumville who had sneaked up to steal some of the orchard fruit. He had been surprised when the fellow dashed away so quickly. "Maybe he wasn't alone," suggested Roger. "Let us take a look around." This was done, but nobody else seemed to be near.

"What are you talking about, Dave?" questioned his two chums, in a breath. "I'm talking about a personally-conducted tour of the Park that some folks in and around Crumville are getting up. Mr. Basswood, Ben's father, is at the head of it. It's a sort of church affair. They have got my folks interested, and my Uncle Dunston says he will go, and so will Laura, and Mrs.

The boy from Crumville was not slow to pick up and throw another stone, and this took the bear in the side, causing him to grunt and snort in pain and rage. Then Dave got a stone of extra size and aimed again for the animal's head. The missile went true, and with his skull crushed, bruin stretched out and lay still. "Is he is he dead?" gasped Hank Snogger, hoarsely. "I think so," answered Dave.

At last came the time when Dave must leave the Morr home and return to Crumville. He was going alone, but he promised to keep in constant communication with the others. "I wish I was going on that western trip," said Shadow, wistfully. "You'll have barrels of fun, and if you do locate that Landslide Mine well, it will be a big feather in your cap." "I'd like to go, too," said Buster.

"I value my neck too much." "What about you, Dave?" And the senator's son looked anxiously at the Crumville lad. "Well, I'll see," answered Dave. He was not afraid to try riding a bronco, but he did not wish to worry Jessie and his sister. "You are not afraid, are you?" "No." "Well, I am not afraid, either," came quickly from Phil, and his face grew red. "You needn't think "

He could not tell who he was, nor where he had come from, and not being claimed by any one, was taken to the local poor-house. There a broken-down college professor, Caspar Potts, had found him and given him a home. In Crumville resided a rich jewelry manufacturer named Oliver Wadsworth, who had a daughter named Jessie.

"But insist upon it that Nat return your belongings." Roger readily led the way to where the son of the Crumville money-lender sat, crouched down, and with his eyes partly closed. When touched on the shoulder Nat sat up, and a look of fright came into his face. "Why er why " he stammered and was unable to proceed.

Then the touring-car rolled off in the direction of the big Wadsworth mansion, where, as I have before stated, the Porters resided with the jeweler's family and old Caspar Potts. As they passed through the main street of Crumville now built up a great deal more than when Dave had first known it many persons bowed and smiled to all in the car.

"I didn't come here to fight, but I can defend myself." "You don't want to fight, do you, Dave?" asked Sid Todd, in a low voice. To him it looked as if the Crumville lad might be no match for Merwell, who was larger and heavier. "I am not afraid, Todd. I thrashed him once and I can do it again if I have to." "You licked him?" "Yes." "With your fists?" "Yes." "Where?" "At school.