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"Aurore, you do not love me!" "Ah, Monsieur! pourquoi cette cruaute? Je t'aime mon Dieu! avec tout mon coeur je t'aime!" Even this did not still my suspicious thoughts. The circumstances had been too strong jealousy had taken too firm a hold to be plucked out by mere assurances. Explanation alone could satisfy me. That or confession. Having made a commencement, I went on.

M. Thierry attributes to him, as his worse self, 'les instincts les plus violents; la cruaute, l'astuce, l'egoisme impitoyable. The two first counts are undeniable at least during his youth: they were the common vices of the age. The two latter I must hold as not proven by facts: but were they proven, they would still be excusable, on the simple ground of his Greek education.

But whoever upon that concludes that I must be easy is either ignorant or indifferent to the feelings of mankind. We are, I say, at present going on very well, in as good and regular a progress of education as it is possible; both Mie Mie and I as tractable as it is possible; et troubler ce menage seroit une cruaute sans example.

They never burned anybody till he confessed; and if one course of torture would not suffice, their patience was not exhausted, and they tried him again and again, even to the twentieth time! Well may we exclaim, when such atrocities have been committed in the name of religion, "Quel lion, quel tigre egale en cruaute, Une injuste fureur qu'arme la piete?"

"MON Dieu, ma fille," says Madame de Sevigné in one of her letters to Mad. de Grignan, "que vous avez raison d'etre fatiguée de cette Montagne de Rochepot! je la hais comme la mort; que de cahots, et quelle cruauté qu'au mois de Janvier les chemins de Bourgogne soient impracticables!"

"Non, ton pere a Paris, ne fut point boulanger: Et tu n'es point du sang de Gervais, l'horloger; Ta mere ne fut point la maitresse d'un coche; Caucase dans ses flancs te forma d'une roche; Une tigresse affreuse, en quelque antre ecarte, Te fit, avec son lait, succer sa cruaute."