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Whenever, then, symptoms, such as I have described, come on, send at once for medical advice, and do not let some diminution of suffering, or slight general improvement, lead you to delay. =Croup.= I endeavoured to explain, a few pages back, the cause of that peculiar sound which is heard in spasmodic croup.

A perfect monster!" "But there cannot be a more beautiful creature!" cried the prince, warmly. "That shining black coat, the small head, the neck, the croup, the carriage of his tail, the fetlocks and hoofs. Oh, oh, that was serious!" The vicious stallion had reared for the third time, pawing wildly with his fore-legs, and in so doing struck one of the Moors.

First came a stag, a magnificent animal of a bay colour, fading into a whitey-brown, with elegantly, somewhat harp-shaped horns, marked with rings, and a black semi-circular mark on the croup by which it could be at once distinguished. Its feet were of a jetty hue.

She should be called 'Sulitelma, which I believe means Cuthbert, what did you tell me it meant?" "Queen of Snows. Abbie, do lower your voice a trifle." He answered without even glancing at her, and she continued: "I wanted to see her last night in 'Medea, but Cuthbert had an opera engagement, and beside, little Maud had the croup "

The antitoxin method of treating diphtheria has robbed this disease of much of its terror, yet it not infrequently happens that the physician is called too late to administer this remedy to the best advantage. Since certain cases of diphtheria are likely to be mistaken for croup, the parent frequently does not realize the serious condition of the child.

In cases of croup, to wet a piece of flannel with, alcohol, and apply it to the throat as hot as it can be borne, has often a salutary effect, applied frequently. It is also good to use for a bad cold, &c.

The streets were empty except for the cabs and carriages which skurried by with fares. Our frantic signals and Jimmie's dashes into the street were of no avail. We would have walked except that Bee and I had colds, and big, beautiful Mrs. Jimmie was subject to croup, which as every one knows is terrible in its attacks upon grown people.

One could trust Vi never to forget anything about which she once set out to gather information. "But how did William catch the croup through a broken window in the neu-ral-gi-a?" she demanded. "When I had croup I got my feet wet first." "He hasn't got the croup!" Rose cried again, while Russ began to laugh heartily. "Oh, Vi!" Russ said, "you got it twisted.

That is, to do good to people who can't get that sort of good in other ways! And if Mrs. Cliff takes out poor children from the slums, and hard-working shopgirls, and seamstresses, why shouldn't she take hard-working ministers and give them some fresh air and pleasure?" "A dozen ministers!" groaned Mr. Burke. "I tell you, Miss Croup, I can't take them in!"