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Throughout the Ball-room Guide we have endeavoured to avoid as much as possible the rise of French words, and to give our directions in the plain mother tongue. Nevertheless there must always be certain technical terms, such as chassez croisez, glissade, &c., &c., for which it would be difficult to find good English equivalents.

First couples advance to couples on their right; bow and courtesy; cross to opposite side, bow and courtesy, chassez croisez, and return to places. Right and left to opposite places, and back again. Second couples and sides repeat figure.

Et comme les Anglais ne scanroient Que danser les Anglaises, Bonaparte leur montrera Les figures Françaises. Allons mes amis de grand rond, En avant, face a face, Français le bas, restez d'a plomb, Anglais changez les places. Vous Monsieur Pitt vous balancez, Formez la chaine Anglaise, Pas de cotè croisez chassez C'est la danse Française!

Chaine des dames, ladies' chain. Chaine Anglaise double, double right and left. Chaine des dames double, all the ladies perform the ladies' chain at the same time. Chassez croisez, do the chassé step from left to right, or right to left, the lady passing before the gentleman in the opposite direction, that is, moving right if he moves left, and vice versâ.

Chassez croisez et déchassez, change places with partners, ladies passing in front, first to the right, then to the left, back to places. It may be either

Senators, deputies, ex-ministers executed a chassez croisez movement through France, Italy and Britain, delivering diatribes against Austria-Hungary, arousing sympathy for Roumania, and proclaiming their country's resolve to strike a blow for justice, liberty and civilization. The names of Senator Istrati, M. Diamandy, and Dr.