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'Knew he was lyin', Uncle Eb added with a laugh, 'I'd seen him talkin' with Bill a day er two before. 'Whew! he whistled as he looked at his big silver watch. 'I declare it's mos' one o clock They's jes' one other piece o' business if come before this meetin'. Double or single, want ye if both promise me t'be hum Crissmus. We promised. 'Now childern, said he. ''S time if go if bed.

It was like a dreamer, snoring in his sleep, and murmuring of that he saw in his dreams. Uncle Eb had dusted and strung it and glued its weaker joints. He sat down with it' the severe look of old upon his face, and set the strings roaring as he tuned them. Then he brought the sacred treasure to me and leaned it against my shoulder. 'There that's a Crissmus present fer ye, Willie, said he.

'Where's Holden? said Elizabeth Brower. 'Dunno, said David. 'Goin' after Santa Claus he tol' me. 'Never see the beat o' that man! was the remark of Elizabeth, as she poured the tea. 'Jes' like a boy ev'ry Crissmus time. Been so excited fer a week couldn't hardly contain himself. 'Ketched him out 'n the barn if other day laffin' like a fool, said David. 'Thought he was crazy.

Guess I know what she's gain' t' give ye Crissmus. 'What's that? I asked, with a curiosity more youthful than becoming. 'Don't ye never let on, said he. 'Never, said I. 'Hear'n 'em tell, he said, 'twas a gol' lockup, with 'er pictur' in it. 'Oh, a locket! I exclaimed. 'That's it, he replied, 'an' pure gol', too. I turned to go. 'Hope she'll grow up a savin' woman, he remarked.

I give ye back yer son Nehemiah. Then he swung his cap high above his head, shouting in a loud voice: 'Merry Crissmus! Merry Crissmus! The scene that followed I shall not try to picture. It was so full of happiness that every day of our lives since then has been blessed with it and with a peace that has lightened every sorrow; of it, I can truly say that it passeth all understanding.

Uncle Eb drew out his wallet with trembling hands, his fine old face lit with a deep emotion. David looked up at him as he wondered what joke was coming, until he saw his excitement. 'Here's twenty thousan' dollars, said Uncle Eb, 'a reel, genuwine bank check! Jist as good as gold. Here 'tis! A Crissmus present fer you 'n Elizabeth. An' may God bless ye both! David looked up incredulously.

'She hasn't named the day, I said. 'Sooner the better, said Uncle Eb as he drew on his coat and sat down. 'Used if be so t'when a young couple hed set up 'n held each other's han's a few nights they was ready fer the minister. Wish't ye could fix it fer 'bout Crissmus time, by jingo! They's other things goin'if happen then. s pose yer s'happy now ye can stan' a little bad news.