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It was therefore a disappointment when nothing more substantial than a plate of whitey-green, crisp-looking stuff resembling endive, was placed before me by one of the picturesque handmaidens.

Over the middle of the room, suspended by cords from the ceiling, was a framework of wood crossed all over by strings, on which lay, ready for consumption, a good store of crisp-looking oat-cakes; while, to give still further life to the whole, a bird-cage hung near, in which there dwelt a small colony of canaries. Such was the room into which Johnson timidly entered.

"Keep the change and buy yourself and your friends some little thing for Christmas," Win heard Logan say at last when, discouraged by the interminable length of grandma's visit, he had resigned himself to go away. The girl glanced involuntarily at Miss Leavitt's hand, which was clenched into a fist. In it was a crisp-looking new greenback on which at one end she thought she saw the word "Ten."

If I add to the little list of her accomplishments that she rouged a little, I do not mean that there was any harm in it. Mr. Bayham Badger himself was a pink, fresh-faced, crisp-looking gentleman with a weak voice, white teeth, light hair, and surprised eyes, some years younger, I should say, than Mrs. Bayham Badger. We had barely taken our seats when he said to Mr.

And how can you be so greedy? 'Hush, said Jacinth in her turn, and still more authoritatively. 'Don't you hear? she's coming back. The door standing slightly ajar was pushed open more widely, disclosing a trim-looking maid, carrying a tray with a large glass jug full of milk, and joyful sight! a plate of small brown crisp-looking cakes.

"The mon is verra harrd up, an' it's a sair thing that Queensland fever," was the only remark M'Gregor made. But we knew now that there was a soft spot in his heart somewhere. Next morning the drover got a crisp-looking cheque.