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Crisostomo stepped back as soon as he read the expression on that face. "Do you know who Don Pedro Eibarramendia was?" he asked between his teeth. "Don Pedro Eibarramendia was that wretch who accused my grandfather and caused all our misery.... I was looking for one of his name. God has given you into my hands.... Account to me for our misfortunes." Ibarra looked at him terrified.

Aunt Isabel was not a little delighted over it, for she liked the young man and did not look favorably upon the marriage of her niece with Linares. Captain Tiago was not at home. "Come in," said the aunt in her half-Castellano language. "Maria, Don Crisostomo is again in the grace of God. The Archbishop has dis-excommunicated him." But the young man could not advance.

"Tush! This money isn't mine. Don Crisostomo has given it to me for those who are willing to serve him. But I see that you're not like your father he was really brave let him who is not so not seek amusement!" So saying, he drew away from them a little. "Let's take him up, what's the difference?" said Bruno. "It's the same to be shot as to be hanged. We poor folks are good for nothing else."

If all comes out well, each will receive one hundred pesos and you two, double that amount. Don Crisostomo is rich." "Accepted," exclaimed Bruno. "Hand over the money." "I knew well that you were brave, like your father. Come! Don't let them hear us or they will kill us," said Lucas, pointing to the Civil Guards.

Come, so that those fellows who killed him may not overhear us," said Lucas, indicating the civil-guards. Taking them into a corner, he explained to them while he was counting out the money, "Tomorrow Don Crisostomo will get back with the arms. Day after tomorrow, about eight o'clock at night, go to the cemetery and I'll let you know the final arrangements. You have time to look for companions."

The young fisherman jumped down with his bolo in his hand and was followed by his father, but they had scarcely disappeared when Crisostomo and the pilot reappeared clinging to the dead body of the reptile, which had the whole length of its white belly slit open and the knife still sticking in its throat.

He built a wall around his father's grave and, from time to time, went all alone to visit it. A few years later he married a young girl from Manila who bore him a son, Rafael, the father of Crisostomo. Don Rafael, from his earliest youth, was fond of farming. Under his care, the agriculture which had been started and fostered by his father was rapidly developed.

Fortunately for the individual questioned, two persons entered the room. Crisostomo Ibarra

Aunt Isabel was not a little rejoiced at this, for she liked the young man and did not look favorably on the marriage of her niece with Linares. Capitan Tiago was not at home. "Come in," said the aunt in her broken Spanish. "Maria, Don Crisostomo is once more in the favor of God. The Archbishop has discommunicated him."

"Are you referring to Crisostomo Ibarra?" asked another. "What is most probable and most just is that he be hanged, as those were in '72." "He will be exiled," said the old lieutenant, dryly. "Exiled! Nothing more than exiled! But it will be a perpetual exile!" exclaimed several at the same time.