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As the opinion of an age influences even those who affect to despise it, so, perhaps, this holy and unselfish passion was preserved and guarded by that peculiar veneration for purity which formed the characteristic fanaticism of the last days of the Anglo-Saxons, when still, as Aldhelm had previously sung in Latin less barbarous than perhaps any priest in the reign of Edward could command: "Virginitas castam servans sine crimine carnem Caetera virtutem vincit praeconia laudi Spiritus altithroni templum sibi vindicat almus;"

So wrote Shirley the dramatist, and so does he truthfully explain the popularity of the epitaph as distinguished from the epigram. Who ever wearies of Martial's 'Erotion'? 'Hic festinata requiescit Erotion umbra, Crimine quam fati sexta peremit hiems. Quisquis eris nostri post me regnator agelli Manibus exiguis annua justa dato.

As the opinion of an age influences even those who affect to despise it, so, perhaps, this holy and unselfish passion was preserved and guarded by that peculiar veneration for purity which formed the characteristic fanaticism of the last days of the Anglo-Saxons, when still, as Aldhelm had previously sung in Latin less barbarous than perhaps any priest in the reign of Edward could command: "Virginitas castam servans sine crimine carnem Caetera virtutem vincit praeconia laudi Spiritus altithroni templum sibi vindicat almus;"

In the year 1701, Thomasius, the learned professor at the University of Halle, delivered his inaugural thesis, "De Crimine Magiae," which struck another blow at the falling monster of popular error.

Quis justi sacrum caput ense recidit? Femina, quae matris cumulavit crimine crimen, Incestum gravem graviori caede notavit.... "Chimeram Cui non immerito fertur data forma triformis, Nam pars prima leo, pars ultima cauda draconis, Et mediae partes nil sunt nisi fervidus ignis." 'Well, of course, that quite carries out your views of women. And now tell me what I am to say to your mother.

"It is hardly for me," said the physician, "to interpose in so high a matter; yet, as trusted both by the noble Ursel, and by his Highness the Emperor, I have made a brief abstract of these short conditions to be kept by the high parties towards each other, sub crimine falsi."

Some one asked Rodaja, who had been the happiest man in the world? To which he answered "Nemo, seeing that Nemo novit patrem Nemo sine crimine vivit Nemo sua sorte contentus Nemo ascendit in coelum," &c. &c.

"Crimine ab uno disce omnes," says Virgil. From a single offense you may gather the nature of the whole. The detective who accepts employment for the purpose of procuring testimony in divorce cases is undoubtedly at the nadir of his profession.

* 'Cum Clericus sic de crimine convictus degradetur, non sequitur aliapoe-na pro uno delicto, vel pluribus ante degradationem perpetratis.

Item gl. in cap. illud extrem. de praesumpt. et c. de prob. l. instrum. l. non epistolis. l. non nudis. Et si non prosunt singula, multa juvant. Yea but, asked Trinquamelle, how do you proceed, my friend, in criminal causes, the culpable and guilty party being taken and seized upon flagrante crimine? Even as your other worships use to do, answered Bridlegoose.