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At length some of the repalers and emancipators knowing that I was a first-rate hand at fiddling came to me and tould me, that if I would give over playing Croppies Lie Down and other Orange tunes, and would play Croppies Get Up, and what not, and become a Catholic and a repaler, and an emancipator, they would make a man of me so as my Orange trade was gone, and I was half-starved, I consinted, not however till they had introduced me to Daniel O'Connell, who called me a cridit to my country, and the Irish Horpheus, and promised me a sovereign if I would consint to join the cause, as he called it.

"It was a very natural thought of yours," said Mr Meldrum, to soothe his sense of defeat. "I would have held to the same but for the carpenter." "Ah! he's a roight good man, sorr," chimed in Mr McCarthy, "and a cridit to the sarvice that brought him up. Sure, an' he's a sailor ivry inch ov him, from the crown of his hid to the sole of his fut!"

"You can call me if anything happens or should it come to blow worse, but I shall be up and down all night to see how you're getting on." "Och! the divvle dout ye!" muttered the Irishman in his quizzing way, as the skipper went down the ladder, giving a word to the boatswain and man at the wheel below as he passed them on his way up. "Ye niver give a chap the cridit of keeping a watch to himself!"