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"How do you do, Mr. Crewys? Your name is very familiar to me," said the old lady. "Though to tell you the truth, Sir Peter looks so much older than his age that I forgot he had a guardian at all." "He will only have one for a few days longer," said John, smiling. "My authority will expire very shortly."

In such summer warmth, and with the concert of building birds above and around, it was strange to see the dead and wintry aspect of the forest trees; still bare and brown, though thickening with the red promise of foliage against the April sky. John Crewys, climbing the lane next the waterfall, had been hailed by the roadside by the toothless, smiling old rustic.

Was it because she had grown accustomed to the tactful and gentle methods of John Crewys that it seemed to have become suddenly such an intolerable fashion? Sir Timothy had quite honestly believed tactfulness to be a form of insincerity. He did not recognize it as the highest outward expression of self-control.

Why did Timothy choose to trust a perfect stranger even though John is a cousin with the care of his wife and son, and his estate, rather than his own sisters?" "It was a gentleman's work," said Miss Crewys. "Gentleman's fiddlesticks! Couldn't old Crawley have done it? I should hope he is as good a lawyer as young John any day," said Lady Belstone, tossing her head.

Crewys, how fast you are walking!" John had unconsciously quickened his pace so much that she had some ado to keep up with him without actually running. "I beg your pardon," he said. "It is so hot, and the hill is steep, and I am rather fat. I dare say I shall fine down as I get older," said Sarah, apologetically. "It would be dreadful if I grew up like mamma.

"It has given your aunt Georgina and me a terrible shock," said Lady Belstone, faintly. "You can't expect a fellow who has been invalided home to turn up without a single scratch," said Peter, in rather surly tones. "How like his father!" said Miss Crewys. "Besides, you know very well my mother would have tormented herself to death if I had told her," said Peter.

Crawley was so loyal a supporter of the regent of Barracombe, yet John's projected improvements were far too thorough-going to gain the approval of the pottering old retainers of the Crewys family, though they were unable to question his knowledge or his judgment.

I know what I was with the boys and decorated and all though poor Tom and Willie got nothing; but, as the papers said, it wasn't always those who deserved it most still, I'm glad you got something, anyway; it's little enough, I'm sure, to make up for " Then she turned nervously to the old lady. "Aunt Elizabeth, this is Sir Peter Crewys, who came home last night."

It is, as our cousin says, self-evident," said Lady Belstone, returning the bow. "But I have always maintained, and always shall, that when the married sister comes back widowed to the home of her fathers, the privileges of birth are restored to her." Both sisters turned shrewd, expectant grey eyes upon their cousin. "It is it is rather a nice point," said John Crewys, as gravely as he could.

"No man on earth, lawyer or no lawyer," said Lady Belstone, emphatically, "will ever convince me that one can be better than well." "My sister alludes to the drains. It is a sore point, canon," said Miss Crewys. "In my opinion, it is all this modern drainage that sets up typhoid fever, and nothing else." "Bless me!" said the canon.