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The exactness is especially remarkable in the plain historical narratives of the Pentateuch and the Psalms, though it is also evident that Justin had the MS. before him, and referred to it frequently throughout the quotations from the latter part of Isaiah. Through following the arrangement of Credner we have failed to notice the cases of combination; these however are collected by Dr.

I have been glad in every case where a truly scientific and most impartial writer like Credner gives his opinion, to make use of it instead of my own. I have the satisfaction to think that whatever may be the value of the other sections of this enquiry, this at least is thoroughly sound, and based upon a really exhaustive sifting of the data.

Kai tautas oi tou diabolon apostoloi zizanion gegemikan, ha men exairountes, ha de prostithentes. Ois to ouai keitai. Pasch. in Routh, Rel. Sac. i. p. 160. The reference to Routh is given on p. 188, n. 1; that to Lardner in the same note should, I believe, be ii. p. 316, not p. 296. Sac. i. p. 167. I have not access to the original work. Justin's u.s.w. p. 155. Credner, Beiträge, ii. p. 254.

The way in which Credner has drawn out these varieties of reading, and the results which he obtained as to the relations and comparative value of the different MSS., form perhaps the most interesting feature of his work.

Credner, Beiträge, ii. 152. The Greek has been preserved in the shape of long extracts by Epiphanius and others. The edition used is that of Stieren, Lipsiae, 1853. Zeitalter, p. 126 sq. 'Judith' in Schenkel's Bibel-Lexicon. I feel it due to the author to say that I have found his long lists of references, though not seldom faulty, very useful. Compare also p. 24 above.

Haer. i. Praef. 2. Matthew apologists exhibit their usual arbitrary haste, &c. S.R. ii. p. 224. For what follows, see especially p. 261 sqq. Sac. i. pp. 394-396; Westcott, On the Canon, p. 487 sqq.; Hilgenfeld, Der Kanon und die Kritik des N.T. ad p. 40, n.; Credner, Geschichte des Noutestamentlichen Kanon, ed. Volkmar, p. 153 sqq., &c. Lightfoot in Cont. Rev., Oct. 1875, p. 837.

Credner, Gesch. des Kanon, p. 167. Haer. ii, 22. 5, iii. 3.4. Lipsius in Schenkel's Bibel-Lexicon, i. p. 98. S.R. ii. p. 269. S.R. ii. p. 302. Lipsius in S. B. L. i. p. 95 sqq. Haer. Rel. Lightfoot; see Cont. Rev. Mr. The idea seems to be that Basilides refused to accept projection or emanation as a hypothesis to account for the existence of created things. Compare Mansel, Gnost. Her. p. 148.