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God forbid I should call it so without your leafe. It is not for so plane a man as I be, to tacks my betters. It is consarning one Miss Batirton, of Notingam; a very pretty crature, belike.

Jemmy, who, whenever he felt himself deficient in truth, always made up for the want of it by warmth of temper, now turned shortly upon his antagonist, and replied, in a spirit very wide of the argument "What do I call his conduct to them? What do you call the nose on your face, my codger? Divil a sich an impident crature ever I met."

"Stand aside, James," said his sister Kathleen; "leave this instantly. Forgive him, Bryan," she said, looking at her lover with a burning brow, "he doesn't know what he is doing." "No, Kathleen," replied, her brother, with a choking voice, "neither for you nor for him, nor for a human crature, will I leave her."

"And now, Peter, it's three weeks last Sunday, that I've been bespeaking this poor girl for your sake, and my conscience tells me that it's not right to make the poor crature fond of me, seeing as how that I don't care a fig for her in the way of a wife, and in any other way it would be the ruin of the poor thing.

Here's the crature of a widow from the mountain with four small children, and no man body to help her with the place, and not a four- footed beast on it belonging to her; all went in the scarcity; would my lady look to her a little, sure she was the neediest of all? And here was the poor cripple boy that his reverence was so good to, &c., &c., &c., in endless file.

"Onyhow, yerself wouldn't deprive us of a drop now and then, jist to keep up the spirits." The detective shakes his head, then discloses to them the object of his search, adding, in parenthesis, that he does not think Mr. Toddleworth is the thief. A dozen tongues are ready to confirm the detective's belief. "Not a shillin' of it did the poor crature take indeed he didn't, now, Mr. Fitzgerald.

The three shots were the signal for the men to come up with the sledge, which they did at full gallop, O'Riley driving, and flourishing the long whip about in a way that soon entangled it hopelessly with the dogs' traces. "Ah, then, ye've done it this time, ye have, sure enough! Musha! what a purty crature it is. Now, isn't it, West?

Blessed mother of heaven! down on your knees, you miserable crature, down on your knees for her pardon! You've murdhered your unfortunate mother!" The man gave one loud and fearful yell, and dashed himself on the floor at his mother's feet, an appalling picture of remorse. The scene, indeed, was a terrible one.

"D n your soul, you ould ras rascal," said the person they called Ned, "you wor wor 'all a parcel o' bloody, d n, hell fi fire cowardly villains, to to thrat ate any fellow crature crature in sich a way. Why didn't you shoo shoo oot him at wanst, an' not put ut him through hell's tor tortures like that, you bloody-minded ould dog!"

"I will," he replied, "after I hang him ha, ha, ha; 'twas he that killed her; he let her die wid hunger, but now he'll swing for it, ha, ha!" These words were accompanied by another chuck, which pulled miserable Skinadre almost off his legs. "Tom, for shame," said Mave, "why would you do sich an unmanly thing with this poor ould crature? be a man, and let him go."