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Cratinus, in downright terms, calls her a harlot. To find him a Juno the goddess of lust Bore that harlot past shame, Aspasia by name. It should seem, also, that he had a son by her; Eupolis, in his Demi, introduced Pericles asking after his safety, and Myronides replying, "My son?" "He lives; a man he had been long, But that the harlot-mother did him wrong."

Hermippus looked up, and smiled with ill-natured significance; for Cratinus, the ribald, had openly declared in the theatre, that Pericles needed only to look in his mirror, to discover a model for the sloping roof of the Odeum.

He enjoined them, likewise, to carry a considerable quantity of coin about them, which they were to convey silently into the hands of the better class of poor men, as they stood by them in the marketplace. This, Cratinus the poet speaks of in one of his comedies, the Archilochi:

He continued: “There was the soul of Cratinus passable: Aristophanes racy: Plato exquisite not your Plato, but Plato the comic poet; your Plato would have turned the stomach of Cerberus faugh! Then let me see! there were Naevius, and Andronicus, and Plautus, and Terentius.

He was admired to late posterity, and by Roman critics, for the grace and even for the grandeur of his hardy verses; and Quintilian couples him with Eupolis and Aristophanes as models for the formation of orators. He had previously been an actor, and performed the principal characters in the plays of Cratinus.

Celestina's lips were mute, but her eyes were full of rapturous response, and then became suddenly shy, as though afraid of their own happiness. "May I pour your wine?" she asked, with downcast lashes. "Can you manage it and not spill a drop? Remember Cratinus wept and died of grief seeing his wine no doubt, this same vintage spilt!" But Straws was not called upon to emulate this classic example.

Though he himself, despite his age, was proverbially of no very abstemious or decorous habits, Cratinus was unsparing in his attacks upon others, and wherever he found or suspected vice, he saw a subject worthy of his genius.

X. But while comedy had thus progressed to its first invidious dignity, that of proscription, far different was the reward that awaited the present representative and master of the tragic school. In the year that the muse of Cratinus was silenced, Sophocles was appointed one of the colleagues with Pericles in the Samian war. The Tragedies of Sophocles.

The actor openly ridiculed them for having been so much influenced by their orator's least-successful attempt at eloquence; but in the course of the same play, Cratinus raised a laugh at his expense, by saying facetiously: "Lo! Hermippus would speak like Pericles! Hear him, Athenians!

In Greece it flourished in the age of Socrates and the Sophists, when there was great bitterness in political parties and an irrepressible desire for novelties. Comedy first made itself felt as a great power in Cratinus, who espoused the side of Cimon against Pericles with great bitterness and vehemence.