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He has stupefied his senses by living in a moist climate, according to the poet, Boeotum in crasso jurares aëre natum.

It was collected on this coast of New Holland. Ricinoides Novae Hollandiae anguloso crasso folio. This plant is shrubby, has thick woolly leaves, especially on the underside. Its fruit is tricoccous, hoary on the outside with a calix divided into 5 parts. It comes near Ricini fructu parvo frucosa Curassavica, folio Phylli, P.B. pr. Solanum spinosum Novae Hollandiae Phylli foliis subrotundis.

For our part, I repeat it, we shall contribute nothing to the Histoire des Moeurs, not for want of materials, but for want of writers. We have comedies without novelty, gross satires without stings, metaphysical eloquence, and antiquarians that discover nothing. Boeotûm in crasso jurares aere natos! Their conduct ever since the death of Richelieu had been factious and corrupt.

I have had pleasure in admitting Numerius Numestius to my friendship, and I find him a man of character and good sense, worthy of your recommendation. See Letters XXXV, XL. Crasso urgente is difficult. I don't think you have ever before read a letter of mine not written by my own hand. You will be able to gather from that how I am distracted with business.