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'I'll tell Crass to send someone else up 'ere to finish this room. 'I shan't be able to commence tomorrow, because the ceiling and walls will have to be painted first. 'Yes: I know. You and Easton can do that. One coat tomorrow, another on Friday and the third on Saturday that is, unless you can make it do with two coats.

She passed the lamp-post as if she were maakin' up Market Jew Street, but I suppose she ced 'ave turned off anywhere to the right or left." "What time was it when the wagonette reached the cross-roads on the moor, where she got in?" "About the same time as to-night, getting on for ten, mebbe." "She was quite alone?" "As lonely as any she ghooste, standin' theer by the old crass.

In accordance with his arrangement with Hunter, Owen commenced the work in the drawing-room on the Monday morning. Harlow and Easton were distempering some of the ceilings, and about ten o'clock they went down to the scullery to get some more whitewash. Crass was there as usual, pretending to be very busy mixing colours.

Well, wot's to prevent artful dodgers like old Misery and Rushton saving it up and buying and selling things with it, and so livin' without work? 'Of course, said Crass, scornfully. 'It would never do! 'That's a very simple matter; any man who lives without doing any useful work is living on the labour of others, he is robbing others of part of the result of their labour.

He was wearing a pair of cloth slippers, and walked softly, not wishing that Crass should hear him leaving his work, so it happened that without any intention of spying on Slyme, Harlow reached the door of the room in which the former was working without being heard and, entering suddenly, surprised Slyme who was standing near the fireplace in the act of breaking a whole roll of wallpaper across his knee as one might break a stick.

In the course of the argument, Owen made the remark that under existing conditions life was not worth living, and Crass said that if he really thought so, there was no compulsion about it; if he wasn't satisfied if he didn't want to live he could go and die. Why the hell didn't he go and make a hole in the water, or cut his bloody throat?

But the eye soon gets wonted to it, for the eye and it are effects of one cause; then its innocency and benefit appear, and presently, all its energy spent, it pales and dwindles before the revelation of the new hour. Fear not the new generalization. Does the fact look crass and material, threatening to degrade thy theory of spirit?

"Even in the interests of the Cause it was absolutely unjustifiable. The man could do no harm; indeed, he served to divert suspicion from others. Only crass stupidity would resort to brute violence in the effort to further propaganda. Laying aside the human " "Of course," Elfigo interrupted sarcastically, "there's nothing violent in a revolution!

Now that my business is past, let me hear yours, poor fellow, an' I'm devilish glad to know, Connor, that that why, tunder an' ouns, that you're not as I am. Be the crass that saved us, Connor, I'm glad of that!" "Why, love will set you mad, Bartle, if you don't take care of yourself; an', faith, I dunna but it may do the same with myself, if I'm disappointed.

'I've read somewhere, said Harlow, 'that whenever a Government in any country has started issuing paper money it has always led to bankruptcy. How do you know that the same thing would not happen under a Socialist Administration? ''Ear, 'ear, said Crass. 'I was just goin' to say the same thing.