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Let the line N be the length of the travel of light in air during the time in which, within the crystal, it makes, from the centre C, the spheroid QCqgM. Then having drawn CO perpendicular to the ray CR and situate in the plane through CR and AH, let there be adjusted, across the angle ACO, the straight line OK equal to N and perpendicular to CO, and let it meet the straight line AH at K. Supposing consequently that CL is perpendicular to the surface of the crystal AEHF, and that CM is the refraction of the ray which falls perpendicularly on this same surface, let there be drawn a plane through the line CM and through KCH, making in the spheroid the semi-ellipse QMq, which will be given, since the angle MCL is given of value 6 degrees 40 minutes.

THE LIVES OF DONNE, WOTTON, HOOKER, HERBERT, AND SANDERSON. By IZAAK WALTON. With an Introduction by VERNON BLACKBURN, and a Portrait. A PRIMER OF TENNYSON. By W.M. DIXON, M.A., Professor of English Literature at Mason College. Cr. 8vo. 2s. 6d.

At his coronation in 1603 James I. made him a Knight of the Bath, and in 1608 he went to the Continent, where for some years he was engaged in military and diplomatic affairs, not without his share of troubles. In 1624 he was cr. an Irish, and a few years later, an English, peer, as Baron H., of Cherbury.

Then on a piece of loose paper she wrote in a beautiful, clear, businesslike hand an entry as she would put it in the book, showing that she perfectly well understood the RATIONALE of the Dr. and the Cr. side of the ledger; and then gravely turning to Mr. Rennie, she asked him why she would not do. "It is not the custom, my dear young lady; I can get young men in plenty who want the place."

"Your horse won't cr buck, will he?" she ventured doubtfully. This was her first horse trade, and it behooved her to be cautious, even at the point of a rifle. "Well, no," said the man laconically; "he won't. He's dead." "Oh!" Beatrice gasped and blushed. She might have known, she thought, that the fellow would not take all this trouble if his horse was in a condition to buck.

Happening to be in Washington at the revelation of the Cr<e'>dit Mobilier operations, I found him in the House of Representatives, and evidently in the depths of suffering. An effort was making to connect him with the scandal, and while everything I know of him convinces me that he was not dishonest, he had certainly been imprudent.

Here is one, verbatim; and if any one can calculate the scale of charges, he has my envious admiration. Calistoga Mine, May 3rd, 1875. John Stanley To S. Chapman, Cr. To board from April 1st, to April 30 $25 75 " " " May lst, to 3rd ... 2 00 27 75 Where is John Stanley mining now? Where is S. Chapman, within whose hospitable walls we were to lodge?

During the war, in which he was naturally a strong partisan of the South, he was ruined, and his library was burned; and from these disasters he never recovered. He had a high repute as a journalist, orator, and lecturer. He was the first Southerner to achieve any name in literature. Poet, b. in Norfolk, and ed. at Oxf. and Camb., of both of which he was cr.

"Pay-day has come at last," said Farmer Gray, good-humouredly, as the shoemaker presented his account. "Well, let us see!" and he took the bill to examine it item after item. "What is this?" he asked, reading aloud. "'Cr. By one bushel of corn, fifty cents." "It's some corn I had from you." "I reckon you must be mistaken. You never got any corn from me." "Oh, yes I did. I remember it perfectly.

Bentley's choice edition of her works, 6 vols. cr. 8vo, London, 1881. Mr. Carruthers remarks in his Abbotsford Notanda: "Joanna Baillie published a thin volume of selections from the New Testament 'regarding the nature and dignity of Jesus Christ. The tendency of the work was Socinian, or at least Arian, and Scott was indignant that his friend should have meddled with such a subject.