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While in the midst of this agony he heard of the revelation of Joe Smith, which Brother Cowdery had explained: under this his soul suddenly found peace. It filled all his aspirations. At the close of a long harangue in this earnest manner, during which every one present was silent, though very much affected, he inquired whether any one desired to come forward and be immersed. Only one man arose.

There was a story of diabolical influence which Smith had exercised in order to gain the young wife whom he had stolen from her father's roof, and, worse than all, there were descriptions of occult rites carried on in secret places, where the most bloody mysteries of the Mosaic priesthood were horribly travestied by Smith and his friends, Cowdery and Rigdon, in order to dupe the simple into belief in the new revelation.

For days they had nothing to eat but corn bread and frozen pork; but at last they reached the town of Independence, in Jackson county, Missouri, which was then near to the Indian country. The elders now took up their labors among the Indians. They were kindly received, and the chief called a council which Oliver Cowdery addressed.

Cowdery is a southern lady, and of this fact you become aware instantly you find yourself in conversation with her. She evidences all the traits and characteristics of a lady of her period, which is to say the late mid-Victorian, for she must have been a graceful young woman herself at the close of this fascinating period.

My trust is in Christ forever, worlds without end. Amen." The world can not deny these three men's testimony. Though they left the Church and in their darkness they opposed the prophet of the Lord, yet never did they deny what the angel had shown them. Topics. 1. The testimony of the three witnesses. 2. Martin Harris. 3. Oliver Cowdery. 4. David Whitmer. 5. The eight witnesses.

To this they all consented. I then laid my hands upon Oliver Cowdery and ordained him an elder of the Church of Jesus Christ; after which he ordained me also to the office of an elder of said Church. We then took bread, blessed it, and broke it with them; also wine, blessed it, and drank it with them.

Rigdon, so clever a minister as he was, and of the Campbellites too, had been baptized and a hundred and twenty-seven of his congregation with him. Then his education, too; he's got a sight more education than Cowdery. Joseph thinks a deal of education." "I don't like him." Susannah sat upright; her hands were busy with the baby upon her knee. "Well, I dunno." Emma spoke meditatively.

Susannah saw the strong, dark face of Oliver Cowdery looking up to the sky as though he saw the heavens opened, and she saw Angel Halsey look at herself, and then, clasping his hands over his fair young face, bow himself in supplication. A man, ragged in dress, and bearing the look of ill deeds in his face, made his way out of the crowd into the water.

Cowdery, who during the speech had frequently groaned and responded, after the Methodist fashion, now shouted and clapped his hands towards the heavens, whereupon Lucy Smith fell into a convulsive state between laughter and tears, and the men standing beside her dropped upon their knees. Emma Smith remained standing; upon her face was a rapt triumphant expression.

She will be hampered in no way with the banalities of instruction offered her by the assuming ones. She is beyond the need of anything but self-invention, and this will be her own unique and satisfying pleasure. It is in no way amiss, then, to congratulate Mrs. Cowdery upon her new and vital artistic career. That she will have further success is proven by the few pictures already created by her.