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"Why, he taaks i' church as thoo God Awmighty were on the pulpit stairs gi-en him his worrds!" said the cow-man, with the natural distaste of all preachers for diatribes not their own; and Laura, when she wandered the fields with him, would drive him on to say more and worse. Mr. Bayley, on the other hand, had found a new pleasure in his visits to the farm-since Miss Fountain's arrival.

Even if he was, Dorsey and his crowd would be shy of the betting. This was one reason Old Heck had so played the conversation that Dorsey definitely threw down the challenge and which was so coldly accepted. The Vermejo cow-man would have to come in heavy on the betting or be placed in the role of a bluffer. By the time they reached the ranch Old Heck's good humor was restored.

Lyle and Stilwell were men of parts; good men of whom to make examples. He sought the former out in Charleston. They met in front of a saloon on the main street. John Slaughter drew and, as he threw down "I've got no gun," Lyle cried. "If you were armed," the cow-man said, "I'd kill you now. But if I ever see you in this country again, I'll kill you anyhow."

We kept it up till it was near time to get supper ready, telling of stories all the while about the fire in the old way. Some of them were poor enough; but some were good. Dick, the cow-man, whom we had long suspected of poaching, exposed himself very sadly, when the ale was in him, by relating a number of poaching tricks I had never heard before.

"It's a Mexican eating-house, as I remember. Most of the stores an' decent places are up further." "Wonder where Hardenberg hangs out?" remarked Stratton. "Yuh got me. I never had no professional use for him before. Reckon most anybody can tell us, though. That looks like a cow-man over there. Let's ask him."

The poor puzzled old cow-man still thinks you ought to get a good meal in one, like the pretty bill of fare says you can. Then one morning we was in New York and Ben Sutton got his first shock. He believed he was still on the other side of the river because he hadn't rid in a ferryboat yet. He had to be told sharply by parties in uniform.

She had noticed those initials then on his saddle-pocket, and knowing how unusual it was for a cow-man to touch his precious saddle with a knife, she made some casual comment, and learned how it had come into Buck's possession. What did it mean? What was he doing here on a Rocking-R horse? Above all, where was he?

Well, Johnny was as good a cow-man as you want, but you always had to watch him that he didn't slip off to go quail-huntin'. With a shot-gun he was the best wing-shot I ever heard a man tell about.

Her thoughtful face brightened into a smile, and her walk became more brisk as she left her garden, and went again into the farm-yard. The cow-man was bringing up the cows to be milked, and he looked astonished as he greeted his mistress.

As a matter of course every cow-man must know something of how to cook a meal and, also, naturally and as a matter of course, Old Heck and Skinny, without the slightest thought that it was "womanish" or beneath the "dignity" of men, peeled potatoes, fried meat, washed dishes or did whatever there was to do. Indeed each was proud of his skill.