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Every time he looked at the handsome black-bearded head of the warrior he was like a covetous thief gazing upon a diamond necklace that is almost within his grasp. He had come there to kill him and delay was dangerous. He had been warned by the Dewan that they suspected Barlow meant to visit the Chief on behalf of the British. He might turn up any day.

Meanwell was a charitable, good man, he stood up for the poor at the parish meetings, and was unwilling to have them oppressed by Sir Timothy and this avaricious farmer. Judge, O kind, humane, and courteous reader, what a terrible situation the poor must be in, when this covetous man was perpetual overseer, and everything for their maintenance was drawn from his hard heart and cruel hand.

But the covetous relations would not let me lay a finger on Laura's estates, without your written authorization. That brought me hurriedly to Paris. I want it at once, that I may return to Bonaletta to-day." "You must remain for a while longer," said Louvois. "And why, pray?" "Because you must at least wait until my funeral is over," replied the unhappy father. Barbesieur began to laugh.

The picture before him reminded him of a dozen similar pictures taken from the gallery of his rather disreputable past. His elaborate complimentary mood vanished. He pledged her ardently, and deep in his eyes began to burn a secret covetous flame. Nan poured her, sherry under the table. "This really is a cozy party!" she cried. "Will you have another with me?"

By turns rough and kind, harsh and covetous on the surface, but capable of offering his whole fortune to his exiled masters who did him the honor of accepting it for a few days no man ever gave rise to such contradictory judgements.

In short, everybody was well pleased and glad at the captive's good fortune; and as now almost two-thirds of the night were past, they resolved to retire to rest for the remainder of it. Don Quixote offered to mount guard over the castle lest they should be attacked by some giant or other malevolent scoundrel, covetous of the great treasure of beauty the castle contained.

Greedy of pleasures, gluttonous and covetous, the young Ishmael ardently looked forward to a comfortable ill-gotten revenue at the hands of the man, who through a skilful manipulation of the German janitor of the Western Trading Company's office had obtained the place of office boy, "with substantial references," for the son of his cast-off paramour.

It may be disagreeable to you, but I consider it necessary. Farewell, madam. Your sincere well-wisher, JOSEPH LACHSENBURG, 4th August, 1787. The application of another anxious and somewhat covetous mother was answered with still more decision and irony: To a Lady.

Let them be ever so covetous, ever so false, ever so hard-hearted, the mere fact that they must keep up appearances, makes them comfortable to those around them. Poor papa was not comfortable to me. A little hypocrisy, a little sacrifice to the feelings of the world, may be such a blessing." "I am sorry that you should feel it so." "Yes; it is sad. But you; everything is smiling with you!

And in secret affairs, these should not be consulted, namely, a woman, a sot, a boy, a covetous person a mean-minded individual, and he that betrayeth signs of insanity. Wise men only should be consulted, and affairs are to be despatched through officers that are able. And polity must be executed through persons that are friendly; but dunces should in all affairs be excluded.