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Good-by, Harry." "Good-by, Julia." And so they parted. Immediately on her arrival at Tenby, Lady Ongar communicated to Mr. Turnbull her intention of giving back to the Courton family not only the place called Ongar Park, but also the whole of her income with the exception of eight hundred a year, so that in that respect she might be equal to her sister. This brought Mr.

Courton's lawyer know, with my compliments to Mrs. Courton, that I have heard that she would like to have the place, and that I do not want it, I will be obliged to you." Mr. Turnbull having by this time perceived that she was quite in earnest, took his leave, having promised to do her bidding. In this interview she had told her lawyer only a part of the plan which was now running in her head.

But during the last few months things had in some respects changed. The Courton people that is to say, Lord Ongar's family had given Hugh Clavering to understand that, having made inquiry, they were disposed to acquit Lady Ongar, and to declare their belief that she was subject to no censure.

Now, if I haven't a better head of game here than he has at Courton, I'll eat him. But the impudence of his saying that before me!" "Did you make him any answer?" "'There's about enough to suit me, I said. Then he skulked away, knocked off his pins. I shouldn't like to be his wife; I can tell Julia that." "Julia is very clever," said the sister.

And now Sir Hugh had a commission on his hands from the same Courton people, which made it necessary that he should see his sister-in-law, and Julia had agreed to receive him. To him, who was very hard in such matters, the idea of his visit was not made disagreeable by any remembrance of his own harshness to the woman whom he was going to see.

It was acknowledged by all the friends of the two families, and indeed I may say of the three families now among the Brabazon people, and the Clavering people, and the Courton people Lord Ongar's family name was Courton that Julia Brabazon had been very clever. Of her and Harry Clavering together no one had ever said a word.

If he might be there, looking after his cattle, going about with the steward subservient at his heels, ministering justice to the Enoch Gubbys and others, she would care nothing for the wants of any of the Courton people.

The 51 Lafitte was ordered, and Harry, as he filled his glass, considered the way in which his subject should be introduced. "You knew Lord Ongar, I think, abroad?" "Lord Ongar abroad! Oh, yes, very well; and for many years here in London; and at Vienna; and very early in life at St. Petersburg. I knew Lord Ongar first in Russia, when he was attached to the embassy as Frederic Courton.

Do you write her a letter first, and tell her that I want to see her; and ask her also to come here as soon as she can leave London." "But wouldn't the lawyers: do it better than you?" "Well; one would think so; but I am commissioned to make her a kind of apology from the whole Courton family. They fancy they've been hard upon her; and, by George, I believe they have.

An offer had then been made by the Courton family to give Julia her income without opposition if she would surrender Ongar Park. To this she had made objections with indignation, and Mr. Turnbull, though he had at first thought that she would be wise to comply with the terms proposed, had done her work for her with satisfactory expedition.