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But Doloreth showed me the letter you wrote her, and well here I am, ready to help you, with two men and a thpare horthe waiting outside the woodth on the blind trail." "You you here?" she only repeated. Curson shrugged his shoulders. "Yeth. Of courth you never expected to thee me again, and leatht of all here. I'll admit that; I'll thay I wouldn't if I'd been in your plathe.

"Esty's a liar," Isaac responded imperturbably. "Ask Tatah." "Tatah dunno. Ain't I five?" "Yeth." "And ain't you four?" "Yeth." "And ain't I older than you?" "Courth." "And wasn't I born afore you?" "Yeth, Ikey." "Then 'ow can your birfday come afore mine?" "'Cos it doth." "Stoopid!" "It doth, arx Esty," Sarah would insist. "Than't teep in my new bed," Ikey would threaten. "Thall if I like."

I can't tell you, he thaid so much about my lookth, that I am thure he made me bluth. 'Did you believe him? 'Yeth; and I think he liketh me better than mamma. 'Do you think there is any one else in the world besides your mamma and yourself? 'Well, yeth, of courth. 'Then why don't you sometimes talk of some one else? Do you like Colonel Vaughan, for instance? 'Oh!

Even if I did, I prefer my own countrymen. Don't you like America, Mr. de Brabazon?" "Oh, of courth, if we only had some lords here." "We have plenty of flunkeys." "That's awfully clevah, 'pon my word." "Is it? I am afraid you are too complimentary. You are very good-natured." "I always feel good-natured in your company, Miss Florence. I wish I could always be with you." "Really!

Dear me, who wath he, Freda? 'Longfellow, you mean, I suppose. 'Of courth. And hith language ith tho poetical. Mamma thaith the thouldn't wonder if he turned out a great author by-and-by. Thould you, Mith Hall? 'It takes so much to make a great author, dear; but it is just possible. 'But not probable, whispered Freda. 'Oh, Freda! don't you like him?

But Doloreth showed me the letter you wrote her, and well here I am, ready to help you, with two men and a thpare horthe waiting outside the woodth on the blind trail." "You YOU here?" she only repeated. Curson shrugged his shoulders. "Yeth. Of courth you never expected to thee me again, and leatht of all HERE. I'll admit that; I'll thay I wouldn't if I'd been in your plathe.

I never knew there was such a being," said Miss Thayer, while young Robinson, a lisping, insipid dandy, drawled out, "A sthool-marm, J. Thee? I'th really romantic! Thend for her, of courth. A little dithipline won't hurt any of uth."

'Of courth, he said, 'referentheth will be nethethary, or rent in advanthe. "'A year's rent in advance will do, I suppose? said I; and Mr. Nathan nearly jumped clear off the floor. "My preparations for the new activities on which I was to enter were quickly made. In my Bloomsbury house I installed as caretaker a retired sergeant-major of incomparable taciturnity.

I gueth he knowth. He wath brought up on a bean farm." "Then I'll take the beefsteak and never mind the nourishment," declared Jane, who was not particularly fond of beans. "I'd rather have both," said Margery hungrily. "Of courth you would," teased Tommy. "That ith why you " "Oh, say something new," groaned Buster. Miss Elting permitted them to jest to their hearts' content.