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You and your children will suffer from their results much more than myself. Be assured that I have always loved you, and will continue to do so until my death. Your brother, FREDERICK." When the king had finished his letter, he read it over. "I cannot take back one word I have said," murmured he, softly. "Were he not my brother, he should be court-martialled.

If they did not, they ought to be court-martialled for needlessly risking the precious lives of trained men. They would make for the "funk-pits," as they call the dug-outs, just as the gunners of any other Power would. The chances are that the gun itself would not be hit bodily by a shell. Fragments might strike it without causing more than an abrasion; for big guns have pretty thick cuticles.

Most of them were court-martialled for high treason and desertion, and giving up their arms, and fifteen were imprisoned in a school building at Rhenosterkop, which had been turned into a gaol for the purpose.

When in the eighteenth century we swept the sea power of France from all the seas and vanquished the fleet of the Great Napoleon, the rule was laid down that every defeated admiral and captain in our navy should be court-martialled and shot, and that even where the victory of our ships of war was not followed up and taken the utmost advantage of, the court-martial was to remove the commander.

The troops kept in Ireland Ordered to Spain to fight new opponents in behalf of their late ones Land in Mondego Bay and advance to Vimeira A light repast interrupted by a heavy battle Battle of Vimeira Preliminary skirmishing Lawrence's first experience in fighting the French A good front-rank man Defeat of the French and advance on Lisbon The French evacuate the city Lawrence's impressions of Lisbon Sir Arthur Wellesley made commander-in-chief The regiment invalided for a time Attempt to join Sir John Moore frustrated Seville Lawrence's first offence He is court-martialled for it and flogged Moral reflections on the same.

Take another case of high-ordered, solemn devotion to discipline: Sir Robert Calder, who had gained an important victory over the French at Finisterre, was court-martialled, condemned and ruined, ostensibly because he did not achieve a greater victory. The decisions of both cases were crimes, not desire for the maintenance of discipline. It was, and ever will be, a stain on the name of justice.

So they have taken away the arms from the Mormon company of militia, and the other day they went up to Far West with three or four thousand men, and they got Smith and his brother Hyrum and three of the elders to come out to them, and they court-martialled them and ordered them all to be shot the next day. "But it wasn't done, madam," he added hastily.

"Oh, Vicky," said the boy, in his misery, stooping to caress his companion, "I ought to be court-martialled and dishonorably discharged from the service for this. I have done very wrong. I have lost our ponies for good." The dog licked his hand sympathetically, and then suddenly bounded away, barking, and Henry heard Frank's voice say: "Why, Tom, here's Vic!"

Ivan's face paled slightly as he said, in a low voice: "I had a presentiment it was she. Well, Vladimir, wish me success! I'm going, to-morrow evening, when I've arranged matters a little, to Brodsky's tent to protest, in the name of the regiment, about his behavior." "Ivan! Good God! He'll have you court-martialled and dismissed from the regiment!" "He will do nothing of the sort.

The two marshals, having failed to carry out their orders, should have been court-martialled, but the French army, overwhelmed by the enormous number of enemies which Napoleon had raised against it, had reached such a point of exhaustion that had Napoleon wished to punish all those who failed in their duty, he would have had to dispense with the services of almost all his marshals.