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Sent to London by the minister on one of those missions which are nameless, he there became connected with the editor of the Courrier de l'Europe, a French journal, printed in London, and the boldness of whose style was offensive at the court of the Tuileries. He engaged himself to Swinton, the proprietor of this newspaper, and edited it in a manner favorable to the views of Vergennes.

The writ was now safely lodged in the house; but the Ambassador had ordered the messenger to take care to call the attention of some one in it to the fact that the writ was there. Unfortunately, says the Ambassador, this part of his instructions had been neglected. "The Courrier returnes to me.

The start was from Havre, and Vincent, with time on his hands, was her companion on the railway journey, her courrier du place in the embarkation, and her faithful shadow up to the instant when the warning cry for the shore-goers rang through the ship. It was scarcely a moment for sentimental passages, and under the most favoring conditions, Vincent Farley was something less than sentimental.

Once it was Jules Roque from Paris, of the Courrier Français in which he published the drawings of Louis Legrand and Forain and other artists accepted as models by the young men of our Thursday nights who believed in themselves the more defiantly when asked to figure in such good company.

The effect was a half yard of black worsted galloon; nothing more, or better. Had Pupasse possessed as many heads as the hydra, she could have "coiffe'd" them all with fools' caps during one morning's recitations. She entirely monopolized the "Daily Bee." Madame Joubert was forced to borrow from "madame" the stale weekly "Courrier des Etats-Unis" for the rest of the room.

These particulars were given in all the medical journals of the day, as well as in the "Journal des Débats" of February 18, and the "Courrier Français" of February 19, 1846. The minutes of the session of the Academy touch upon them in the most studiously brief and guarded manner. They say, the sitting lasted only some minutes.

This war minister has since quitted the school and resigned his office. Courrier François, 30 July, 1790. Assemblée Nationale, Numero 210. I see by M. Necker's account, that the national guards of Paris have received, over and above the money levied within their own city, about 145,000l. sterling out of the public treasure.

The next day the "Courrier de Provins," had a plausible article, extremely well-written, a masterpiece of insinuations mixed with legal points, which showed that there was no case whatever against Rogron.

A group representing the French colony presented me with a friendly address. Then M. Mercier, the editor of the Courrier des Etats Unis, made a speech, as witty as it was kindly. It was a thoroughly French speech. Then came the terrible moment of introductions. Oh, what a tiring time that was! My mind was kept at a tension to catch the names. Mr. Pemb , Madame Harth , with the h aspirated.

J'ai l'honneur de" Meaning, in brief English: "Be at Neundorf here, publicly, on Monday next, 18th, towards noon." Things being ripe. "Haste, Milord, haste!" "Ce 18me a 3 heures apres-midi. . "Je suis an desespoir, Milord, de votre maladie. Voici le courrier que vous attendiez. "Distressed inexpressibly by your Lordship's biliary condition. One cannot travel under colic; and things were so ripe!