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I marvel that you have the heart to separate from him." "Marie," said Madame, laughing, "you are a naughty girl, a corrupter of my youthful morals. I am afraid that le bon Capitaine must go hungry. For " and then she pranced off upon that wearisome old story about the blown-up Territorial bore of le Grand Couronné.

"Les machelières se rapprochent, par la forme de leur couronne, plutòt de l'espèce Asíatique que do celle qui est propre

"Do you think it would be better if he said: Achève, fais dresser l'appareil souhaité De ma mort, ou plutôt de ma félicité. Je vois le Roi des Rois me tendre la couronne, Quel n'en est le prix quand c'est Dieu qui la donne! "Doubtless these latter lines are more correct than the others, but they are less vigorous, and a poet should never sacrifice meaning to metre.

Mason in his justification of Captain Semmes, and rejoice that the man who was the ship, is saved for further service to the Confederacy. On Sunday, in the morning, being the 19th June, the Alabama steamed out of Cherbourg harbour by the opening to the west, and steered straight to meet the Kearsarge, accompanied by the French iron-clad La Couronne.

The repast at an end, the illustrious travellers resumed their progress; but the imagination of the Nimes authorities was not to be restrained within such narrow bounds: at the entrance to the city the king found the Porte de la Couronne transformed into a mountain-side, covered with vines and olive trees, under which a shepherd was tending his flock.

They transhipped to a smaller boat, the Couronne, and one morning shortly after breakfast three strokes on the steamer bell announced their approach to Yandjali. Imagine a rough landing-stage, a handful of houses, mostly mud-built, the funereal heat-green of palm and banana, a flood of tropical sunshine lighting the little wharf, crammed with bales of merchandise.

But there was a second station, the Gare des Vollondes, at the opposite end of the city, from which ran the short line to Bouveret on the south shore of the lake, and I sent Falloon there to inquire, giving him a rendezvous an hour later at the Café de la Couronne on the Quai du Lac.

Half attracted and half repelled by her, young enough still to be shy, I was much embarrassed; the other men were smiling I must except William Adolphus and Varvilliers whispered to me: "Les beaux yeux de votre couronne, sire." Coralie overheard his warning; she was not in the least put out. "Don't disturb yourself," she said to Varvilliers.

When he published his History of the Kingdom of Naples, a friend congratulating him on its success, said: 'Mon ami, vous vous êtes mis une couronne sur la tête, mais une couronne d'épines. His attacks on the Church led to persecution, in the end he made a retractation, but nevertheless he died in prison. Nouv. Biog. Gén. xx. 422. See ante, ii. 119.

The French authorities, understanding that I chiefly wished to see for myself some of the wrecked and ruined villages and towns dealt with in the French official reports, suggested, first Senlis and the battle-fields of the Ourcq, and then Nancy, the ruined villages of Lorraine, and that portion of their eastern frontier line where, simultaneously with the Battle of the Marne, General Castelnau directed from the plateau of Amance and the Grand Couronné that strong defence of Nancy which protected and still protects the French right, and has baulked all the German attempts to turn it.