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They had another run through the lane; a good trot over the highway; and when they had entered the gate of Chickaree and were slowly mounting the hill, he spoke in another tone. 'Miss Hazel, don't you think you have done enough for to-day? 'Made a good beginning. 'Twenty-four miles on horseback and a cotton mill! That is enough for one day, isn't it, for you?

Jars of picric acid, nitric acid, carboys of other chemicals, packages labelled gunpowder, gun cotton and nitroglycerine, as well as carefully stoppered bottles of prussic acid, and the cyanides, arsenic and other poisons made the place bear the look of a veritable devil's workshop.

"You really ought to go to school," said her aunt. "Don't be eccentric. It isn't fashionable. I suppose you wish Clarence to go into a factory." "If I were a man," said Virginia, "and going into a factory would teach me how to make a locomotive or a cotton press, or to build a bridge, I should go into a factory. We shall never beat the Yankees until we meet them on their own ground."

Spreading out her ample skirts, she pulled off her white cotton gloves, opened the bag hanging from her waist, took from it a handkerchief of finest thread, and with it wiped her face. After a moment she glanced around. "A house knows when it is occupied. Sleeping here has given things a different air."

Immediately after the American Revolution and also as a part of the Industrial Revolution, the cotton gin was invented, and the cotton gin created in the South another aristocracy, the cotton planters, who flourished until 1860.

Surely the owner of so valuable a stone would not be so careless as to send it this way, through the mail unregistered without some method of identification! Another sharp scrutiny of box and cotton and wrappings left him in deep perplexity. Then another idea came. One of the letters, of course!

"Well," said Jim, surlily, "what do you want?" "I'll tell you in a minute, old boy. Can I have a chair?" "Can't you see I'm busy?" said Cotton, unamiably. "You look like it, more or less, certainly." "Well, I've no time for any oratory to-night, Philips, and that is all about it." "I'll give you a leg-up for Merishall in the morning if you're decently civil."

How many yards he would have to remove from Jimmy before the taboo would be powerless, it would be hard to tell, but probably he himself knew to a fraction. On the promise of a red cotton handkerchief, and something else which he kept secret, this poor fellow had undertaken a rather ticklish journey, though, as far as Toby could ascertain, it was something that had never happened before.

This will color ten pounds of yarn. You may have a fine blue color by omitting the bark. It will not answer for any thing but wool or silk, as the vitriol will destroy linen or cotton. To Dye Cotton Blue.

She held up one finger in its neutral-coloured cotton glove, and shook it slowly from side to side. "None of your theology," she said; "I come to you as a man the only man I think in this island at present." "At present?" "Yes, the other is in France, recovering from his wounds." "Ah!" said the abbe, glancing shrewdly into her face. "You also have perceived that he is a man that.