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Rogers has at last restrung that fiddle and tuned it to his notion; so now for our dance!" No stately minuet or mincing cotillion was the order of the evening. Instead, the "countre dance," the "gauntlet," the "four-handed reel" old-time, energetic country dancing shook the rafters overhead, and made the puncheon floor vibrate. Such jigging, such "cutting the pigeon wing," such swinging corners!

He had talked himself to the head of a large financial institution. He had talked his admission into society. Conversationally, Mr. Pierce was a success. He could discuss Schopenhauer or cotillion favors; St. Paul, the apostle, or St. Paul, the railroad. He had cultivated the art as painstakingly as a professional musician.

Plenty of pursy gentlemen were still light enough on their feet, clear enough in their wind, to dance through Money Musk double, Chicken in the Bread Tray, and the Arkansaw Traveller, no matter what the time. All dances were square quadrilles and cotillions. The Basket Cotillion was indeed, looked upon as rather daring.

Deming was getting upset, confused besides by his inadequate vocabulary. "I don't know in German, but in English we say Secretary of the Cinderella Cotillion Coterie." "Ah, you say Secretary. It is English." And an enlightened satisfaction furrowed the hardened face of the interlocutor. Then, abruptly to Deming's relief: "You may go." As Jim rose to leave he found a court flunkey at either elbow.

Mavis hastily assented; she was about to ask for Miss Meakin's address, but Miss Nippett was too quick for her. "D'ye think he'll win?" "Who?" "Mr Poulter, of course. 'Aven't you 'eard?" "Tell me." "Oh, I say, you are ignorant! He's competing for the great cotillion prize competition. I thought everybody knew about it." "I think I've heard something. But could you tell me Miss Meakin's address?"

The Californian ladies dance with much ease and grace. The waltz appears to be a favourite with them. Smoking is not prohibited in these assemblies, nor is it confined to the gentlemen. The cigarita is freely used by the senoras and senoritas, and they puff it with much gusto while threading the mazes of the cotillion or swinging in the waltz.

In the midst of it is another circle, forming a pavilion for musicians, also brilliantly illuminated, and containing a large cotillion band of the most finished performers. Around this you find thousands of gentlemen and ladies strolling singly, in pairs, or in groups. There could not be less than three thousand persons present.

Tell him I was only doing what I would do in my own country. There we can get together and dance a little any time without disturbing the nation." He wanted to add that the United States was not like police-ridden Germany where it almost seemed that a chap couldn't tie his shoe without permission from the Kaiser. Prudence refrained him. "Cotillion Coterie.

She had never once thrown the ring to him; she had never once singled him out in the cotillion; and on the way home she had talked to every one but him. But he would adopt a different policy the next time; she should soon come to repent that day. He slipped quietly into the house, so that his uncle might not hear how late he was.

At that moment the band struck up the music for the cotillion, and the mass of colours shifted in dazzling movement, as, amid the rustle of silks and the ripple of laughter, the dance commenced. Adrien was engaged to Lady Constance for it; but in the height of his anger he had forgotten the fact. "Ada!" he exclaimed in a low voice full of suppressed indignation.