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The interior was cosier than the outward aspect promised, and finding a quantity of clean hay at one end, I stripped off my coat, set down my knapsack for a pillow, and, rolling myself in the hay, was soon fast asleep. I was roused while it was still dark by the sound of voices.

He had stumbled in on her evening for at that time people still had evenings but knowing her wishes, he stayed till they were left alone together. "Come into the library," she said. As they passed across the hall she told Morden, "I shall not receive any more to-night." The moment they were in the smaller and cosier room, without waiting to sit even, she began: "Mr.

She smiled; a wavering, pleading little smile that conquered. "Of course, I don't mind, Countess," I hastened to say. "Only I thought it would be cosier up there with Rosemary and the two maids for company." She leaned a little closer to me. "We all sleep down here," she said confidentially. "We bring Rosemary's little mattress down every night and put it in the bathtub.

The three-score wards for which the receiving hall is the clearing house are the real destination of the patients; down long corridors, in wards far cosier because less ornate than this, the patient will find "his" bed ready for him, the bed which he is not to lie on but in. We orderlies meet each convoy at the front door of the hospital.

What can be cosier than the warm environment of sheet and blanket which encircles you in your snug bed? Yet if you awake during the night at some alarm of peril, and by a sudden effort try at once to shake yourself clear of these trammels, you will, for the half-minute before you succeed, feel that soft restraint as irksome as iron fetters.

The long verandah was wont to contain vases of flowers and statues of the Duchess's grandchildren, and formed a pleasant promenade for an old lady. Within the smaller, cosier rooms, with the softly tinted pink walls covered with portraits, was led the daily life which as it advanced in infirmity necessarily narrowed in compass, while the State rooms remained for family and Court gatherings.

She was the audience to which they zealously played, thought Billy; and he wondered. I think I have said that, owing to the smallness of the house-party, luncheon was served in the breakfast-room. The dining-room at Selwoode is very rarely used, because Margaret declares its size makes a meal there equivalent to eating out-of-doors. And I must confess that the breakfast-room is far cosier.

And the marchioness chattered on, leading them down a long, dim hall, hung with tapestries and armor, to the library. "We live in our library. It is so much cosier than the great salon and we feel more at home in the smaller room; and here we can talk without having to shout across space."

I have read with pain in the journals of to-day that the proceedings " Here the President interrupting, observed that "these were circumstances foreign to the case." "Not in the least," replied Cosier St. Victor; "on the contrary, they bear very materially on the cause, since mangling and misrepresenting our defence is a practice assuredly calculated to ruin us in the estimation of the public.

I have seldom seen a cosier retreat on a broiling summer's day, and in this dusty, dirty town. She has not breakfasted yet, nor, except for my cup of coffee, have I. I will do myself the pleasure of joining her. A cutlet and a glass of cool claret will suit me admirably just now, and we can talk as we eat." While he stood there, admiring cynically, Mrs. Wilders came in.