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The two men-of-war had been sent out of Lima on purpose to intercept him, anticipating, with such a preponderating force, an easy victory. After some consultation with Krantz, Philip agreed that, as the corvette was in such a crippled state, and the nations were not actually at war, it would be advisable to release her with all the prisoners.

"Oh, yes, I trust so," answered Lady Sophy, "he who commands on board is an experienced seaman, you know, and if any human being could carry the ship out of the bay, he will do so." Besides the young ladies, several other persons on shore were watching the progress of the corvette, as she endeavoured to beat out of the bay.

As I before said, our prospects of getting our throats cut, or our brains blown or knocked out, were pretty well balanced against those of our being made free, should the corvette come up with us; so we scarcely knew what to wish for.

'I'm being tossed into strange waters a lone corvette of no squadron. He stopped, smiled, and then said it was so like him, for, with all his wildness, he had the tastes of a student: 'You remember that passage in Isaiah, sir, "And God shall turn upon them violently, and toss them like a ball into a large country"?

The corvette again attempted to rake as she ranged up after tacking, by throwing herself up in the wind; but Captain Oughton, watching the slightest variation of his adversary's career, gradually edging away, and then putting his helm up, manoeuvred that the broadsides should again be exchanged. This second exchange was more effectual than the first.

The fire was at length got under, very much by the efforts of the Englishmen, who had to hint to the French that if they did not exert themselves they would be left to perish, as it would be impossible to get them all on board the corvette before the frigate would become untenable. The corvette and her prize having been put somewhat to rights, made sail for Jamaica.

Although the chase had now every sail set she could carry, the corvette still gained on her. "Those heavy tea-chests require a strong breeze to drive them through the water," observed the master to Harry. "I rather think, too, we shall have one before long. I don't quite like the look of the sky, and we are not far off the hurricane season."

The Fleche, under her new officers and crew, stood away to the westward, hoping, after rounding Cape Saint Antonio, to have a quick run to Jamaica, while the corvette continued her voyage through the Bahama sea, towards Saint Domingo. For some time the schooner enjoyed fine weather, and everybody on board was happy and contented, imitating the temper of the lieutenant, who was especially so.

Having accomplished this mission, Nelson received orders to join Commodore Linzee at Tunis. On the way, five sail of the enemy were discovered off the coast of Sardinia, and he chased them. They proved to be three forty-four gun frigates, with a corvette of twenty-four and a brig of twelve.

All ships, except the English and German, dressed in honour of the American flag, which the corvette flew at her main.