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I tried to tell her who I was, but my parched tongue failed me, and a rough corporal bade her begone. My watch, a good silver one, was stolen, but my money-belt was safe. Beside me were many other wounded, one man hideous with his jaw broken; he seemed to me dying. By and by soldiers fetched others.

I saw another friend of mine fall out and I went with him. Corporal Locke counted his men and found he had one too many. He looked down the ranks, he saw me, and said: "You don't belong to my party you'll have to go somewhere else." "I want to work with Private Black I've been on your party before." "I don't remember you. Anyhow, you weren't with me yesterday I'm sorry, but I can't have you."

When Thursday morning broke, lines of buyers formed before the stores whose supplies had not been commandeered. In one of these, the first man was charged 75 cents for a loaf of bread. The corporal in charge at that point brought his gun down with a slam. "Bread is 10 cents a loaf in this shop," he said. It went.

While they stood watching, Riley's handful of men came running to the spot. At the same moment shots rang out from the roof of the sugar mill. "There we are!" Darrin exclaimed. "And men on a roof are the hardest to hit." In a jiffy a yell rose from the flankers, who now rose and came charging forward across some four hundred feet of intervening space. "Give 'em the Colt, Corporal!"

Wentworth, this is Corporal Downey, of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police." At the word police Wentworth started ever so slightly, but caught himself on the instant. He searched the keen gray eyes of the officer as he extended his hand, but if Downey noticed the momentary trepidation he gave no sign. "So you're Wentworth," he remarked casually, as he swung the light pack from his shoulders.

We did not send home the corporal and his howitzer. We might require him again; so we quartered him upon the squatter. "On returning home, we found that our opponents had also made a `big day's work of it; but they were beaten by hundreds. The ladies were ours!

She sat as straight and rigid upon her stool as a Prussian corporal carrying arms, and maintained an excessively gracious smile upon her lips, while she made her bust more prominent by drawing back her shoulders as far as she could.

Old Corporal Christy, bear-hunter of the North-West, who could "shoot the eye off an ant," as Niven said, leaned out over the parapet, or what was left of it, because he could take better aim lying down and the Germans were so thick that he could not afford any misses. Corporal Dover had to give up firing his machine-gun at last.

The re-appearance of the dog created no small sensation Vanslyperken felt that he had now no reason for keel-hauling Smallbones, which annoyed him as much as the sight of the dog gave him pleasure. The corporal, who had dropped Smallbones on the snow, was also disappointed.

"How did you get your clothes so burnt?" asked the corporal, when the narrative was concluded, pointing to the scorched and powder- blackened uniform of the narrator. "It is a wonder I escaped at all," said Sergeant Shenstone. "I was nearly caught by the explosion.