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But here, instead of the slender, tiny figure of the old Countess appearing to greet them, a tall, dark young woman came forward, whose hair was wound about her head like a coronet. "Eugenia!" Barbara exclaimed, and straightway shed several tears, while Eugenia and Mildred laughed at her.

When it became time to talk of settlements, and it had to be owned that the gentleman had nothing to settle on his wife but the shadow of a coronet, of which she would have to buy the substance if she ever wore it, the lady announced blandly that she would pay all their living-expenses and give her husband five hundred dollars a year spending-money if he would pay the rent to the duke, this arrangement to hold as long as they should live together.

Who could better console him than this beautiful and brilliant American girl, and what would better suit that lovely head of hers than an English coronet which was bright with the untarnished traditions of five hundred years?

This shield bore the arms of the noble House of Uxelles, namely, Or and gules party per fess, with two lions or, dexter and sinister as supporters. Above, a knight's helm, mantled of the tincture of the shield, and surmounted by a ducal coronet. Motto, Cy paroist! A proud and sonorous device.

They could not seize the subtlety by which a rather used-up English gentleman might sell a coronet when he would not sell a fortress; might lower the public standards and yet refuse to lower the flag. In short, the Germans are quite sure that they understand us entirely, because they do not understand us at all.

Suddenly she darted a glance full into the eyes of the young man, and lowering her voice to a tone of inexpressible bitterness, said: "At least I sell myself dearly, do I not?" Then turning her back to him she laughed, and took off her coronet.

"It's called the 'Crime of a Coronet; or, The Revenge of the Countess May. It's a boss thing, too. Some of us boys 're takin' it to read." "Bring it up when you come," said Mr. Hobbs, "an' I'll pay for it. Bring all you can find that have any earls in 'em. If there are n't earls, markises'll do, or dooks though HE never made mention of any dooks or markises.

He started toward her impulsively. "Dolores! it can't be!" She avoided him, in an attempt to delay the inevitable surrender. "Ware danger, your earlship!" she mocked. "I warn you I'm a designing female. How do you know it's not the coronet I'm after?" "Dearest!" he exclaimed, and this time he succeeded in capturing the hand that she flung out to fend him off. "Wait wait!" she protested.

She suppressed, as the sort of thing for London, a thought that came into her head at this moment, that it was the first time the family coronet had been of the slightest use to any living creature! Not here, with the hush of the Feudal System still on the land, and the old church at Chorlton's monotonous belfry calling its flock to celebrate the Third Sunday in Advent.

The hind legs are almost as frequently affected as the front and the fetlock region is most often injured, though wounds may be inflicted to the coronet. In front, the carpus is sometimes the site of injury.