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Edward Henry and Mr. Marrier worked together admirably that afternoon on the arrangements for the corner-stone-laying. Characteristically, Mr. Marrier happened to have a list or catalogue of all London in his pocket, and Edward Henry appreciated him more than ever. But towards four o'clock Mr. Marrier annoyed and even somewhat alarmed Edward Henry by a mysterious change of mien.

We'll have that corner-stone-laying at night. After the theatres. Say half-past eleven. Torchlight! Fireworks from the cranes! It'll tickle old Pilgrim to death. I shall have a marquee with matchboarding sides fixed up inside, and heat it with a few of those smokeless stoves. We can easily lay on electricity. It will be absolutely the most sensational stone-laying that ever was.

"I'd better tell you." Mr. Marrier essayed a rapid explanation. "Mr. Machin wanted a list of the raight sort of people to ask to the corner-stone-laying of his theatah. So I used this as a basis." Elsie April smiled again: "Very good!" she approved. "What is your list, Marrier?" asked Edward Henry. It was Elsie who replied: "People to be invited to the dramatic soirée of the Azure Society.

The affair was on all the contents-bills hours before it actually happened. Edward Henry had been interviewed several times, and had rather enjoyed that. Gradually he had perceived that his novel idea for a corner-stone-laying had caught the facile imagination of the London populace. For that night at least he was famous as famous as anybody!

Nevertheless he was as anxious as ever to see Elsie April act. He really thought that she could and would transfigure any play. "How soon is the performance?" he demanded. "Wednesday week," said she. "That's the very day of my corner-stone-laying," he said. "However, it doesn't matter. My little affair will be in the afternoon." "But it can't be," said she, solemnly.