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Most of them were just decent lads who had never thought much about it before. There were others who at last saw a chance to make a fresh start and grasped thankfully at it. A few were 'corner-boys, learning in discipline and comradeship a lesson they had never dreamed of.

The Daily Express openly exulted over the rioters. Its leading article the staff may have danced in a ring round the office table while composing it declared that now at length the Irish had proved to the world that they were all, without a solitary exception, irredeemably vicious corner-boys.

We have no Protestant corner-boys in Donegal, nor anywhere else, so far as I know." The townsfolk are fairly industrious, that is, when compared with the people of Southern Irish towns, but there is a residuum a Home Rule residuum. It sometimes happens that jaded men, worn out with overwork, are recommended to go to some quiet place and to do absolutely nothing.

The latter seemed somewhat impressed and taken aback, and after grumbling some remarks in an undertone and eyeing the Lamb in a suspicious and unconvinced manner, he told him to be off sharp if he did not wish to find himself in the cells, and then vented his spleen and unappeased zeal on behalf of his country by cuffing, shoving and abusing the corner-boys who had assembled to witness the fun.

"If it were not for your grey hairs " he said. "Damn your impudence!" cried the Colonel. "If we have to die, let us die like gentlemen, and not like so many corner-boys," said Belmont with dignity. "I only said I was glad to see that Monsieur Fardet has learned something from his adventures," the Colonel sneered. "Shut up, Cochrane! What do you want to aggravate him for?" cried the Irishman.

In the greatest and longest battle that the world had yet seen, that Army of city clerks, Midland farm-lads, Lancashire mill-hands, Scottish miners, and Irish corner-boys, side by side with their great-hearted brethren from Overseas, stormed positions which had been held impregnable for two years, captured seventy thousand prisoners, reclaimed several hundred square miles of the sacred soil of France, and smashed once and for all the German-fostered fable of the invincibility of the German Army.