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The result of the tidal observations made at Shortland's Bluff, gives 12 hours 20 minutes for the time of high-water on the full and change days. The simultaneous ones made in other parts of this great sheet of water during our stay, gave the times of high-water later as follows: At William Town: 1 hour 0 minutes. Under Arthur's Seat: 1 hour 45 minutes. At Corio Harbour: 2 hours 30 minutes.

See Corio, p. 238, who adds sententiously, 'il che quasi fu l' ultima roina del suo stato. Sismondi says he gave 600,000 florins to Charles, the brother of Isabella, but authorities differ about the actual amount. Galeazzo held his court at Pavia. His brother reigned at Milan. Bernabo displayed all the worst vices of the Visconti.

In order to carry out his schemes, the duke acquired a large extent of land in the neighbourhood, partly by purchase, and partly by the confiscation of territory, which, as Corio remarks, naturally provoked much discontent among individuals, and did not help to increase Lodovico's popularity, although in the end it largely benefited both the state and posterity.

Yet even Giuliano did not at first impress men with his power. For what follows read Corio, Storia di Milano, pp. 417-20. Mach. 1st. Fior. lib. vii.; Corio, p. 420. See Corio, p. 420. Corio hints that the Venetians poisoned the Cardinal for fear of this convention being carried out. 1st. Fior, lib. i. vol. i. p. 38.

The township is now divided into North and South Geelong; the latter lies on a slope, reaching the river's edge. Corio Harbour is in fact the best anchorage in Port Phillip, that at Hobson's Bay being very confined, and scarcely affording any shelter from southerly winds for large ships.

But after her departure from Milan, Isabella's ill-concealed anger broke out, and, according to Corio, she wrote the memorable Latin letter to her father.

The whole story may be read in Ripamonti, under the head of 'Confessio Olgiati; in Corio, who was a page of the Duke's and an eye-witness of the murder; and in the seventh book of Machiavelli's 'History. Sismondi's summary and references, vol. vii. pp. 86-90, are very full.

This he did without delay, taking with him a large sum of money and many valuable pearls and jewels which he had received from the duchess. When Bona heard of her favourite's flight she flew into a frantic rage, and, "forgetful alike of honour and maternal duty," as Corio writes, she renounced her share of the regency, saying that she placed her son in his uncle's care, and left Milan.

The stately philosophical historians, so stoically grand, and the prattling local chroniclers, so highly coloured and so gentle and graceful; Guicciardini and Machiavelli and Valori and Segni, on the one hand Corio, Allegretti, Matarazzo, Infessura, on the other; all these, from whom we learn the real existence of immorality far more universal and abominable than our dramatists venture to show, relate quietly, calmly, with analytical frigidness or gossiping levity, the things which we often shrink from repeating, and sometimes recoil from believing.

A leathern official style, in the impurest of Latin, was very common. In the Milanese documents preserved by Corio there is a remarkable contrast between this sort of composition and the few letters written by members of the princely house, which must have been written, too, in moments of critical importance. They are models of pure Latinity.