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I have from these data, coloured the group pale blue, and CIRCULAR-REEF dark blue. the ANACHORITES, ECHEQUIER, and HERMITES, consist of innumerable low islands of coral-formation, which probably have atoll-like forms; but not being able to ascertain this, I have not coloured them, nor DUROUR Island, which is described by Carteret as low.

BROOK, is a small low island between the two latter; the position, and perhaps even the existence of it is doubtful; not coloured. PESCADO and HUMPHREY Islands; I can find out nothing about these islands, except that the latter appears to be small and low; not coloured. They consist of five very low islands of coral-formation, two of which are connected by a reef, with deep water close to it.

In various charts which I have examined, several parts of the coast are represented as fringed by reefs. MANIPA Island, between Ceram and Bourou, in an old MS. chart in the Admiralty, is fringed by a very irregular reef, partly dry at low water, which I do not doubt is of coral-formation; both islands coloured red.

I have consulted, as far as I was able, every original voyage and map; and the colours were first laid down on charts on a larger scale. The same blue colour, with merely a difference in the depth of tint, is used for atolls or lagoon-islands, and barrier-reefs, for we have seen, that as far as the actual coral-formation is concerned, they have no distinguishing character.

From the various statements in the first volume of Cook's "Third Voyage," and especially in the fourth and sixth chapters, it appears that these reefs are of coral-formation, and certainly do not belong to the barrier class; coloured red. TOUFOA AND KAO, forming the western part of the group, according to Forster have no reefs; the former is an active volcano.

There is even a harbour for ships formed by the reefs, but it is at the mouth of a valley; red. ATOOI, in La Peyrouse's charts, is represented as fringed by a reef, in the same manner as Oahu and Morotoi; and this, as I have been informed by Mr. Ellis, on part at least of the shore, is of coral-formation: the reef does not leave a deep channel within; red. ONEEHOW; Mr.

Off the north coast of the Solomon Archipelago there are several small groups which are little known; they appear to be low, and of coral-formation; and some of them probably have an atoll-like structure; the Chevallier Dillon, however, informs me that this is not the case with the B. de CANDELARIA. OUTONG JAVA, according to the Spanish navigator, Maurelle, is thus characterised; but this is the only one which I have ventured to colour blue.