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She wanted parasols and hair-brushes, frilled and furbelowed mysteries of muslin and lace, copybooks, penholders, and pomatum, a backboard and a pair of gloves, drawing-pencils, dumb-bells, geological specimens for the illustration of her studies, and a hundred other items, whose very names are as a strange language to my masculine comprehension; and, last of all, she wanted a musical governess.

It is in all the copybooks that one should die to please his ladylove; and shall a man not go to prison?" "Love? And what has love to do with being sent to gaol?" exclaimed the Countess, appealing to the walls and roof. "Heaven knows I think as much of love as any one; my life would prove it; but I admit no love, at least for a man, that is not equally returned. The rest is moonshine."

"And," explained Babie, "our governess said we -that is I- thought of nothing else, and made the Lessons at Church and everything else apply to it, so she made me resolve to say nothing about it on Sunday." "And she has brought out nineteen copybooks full of it," added Armine.

The 2 Ehrenfelds suggested that we should write the compositions over again, of course with all the commas, and should place them on his desk to-morrow morning before the German lesson; but all the rest of us were against this, for we saw plainly that the head had changed colour when Hella said what she did. We shall make the corrections and then we shall all begin new copybooks. December 8th.

One confessed ignorance as to their identity; another thought he knew but couldn't remember; a third said they looked like maples; and a fourth thought that silence, like honesty, as the copybooks used to tell us, was the best policy.

Just keep skin and bone together, bread and skilly. They are not Boyl: no, M Glade's men. Doesn't bring in any business either. I suggested to him about a transparent showcart with two smart girls sitting inside writing letters, copybooks, envelopes, blottingpaper. I bet that would have caught on. Smart girls writing something catch the eye at once. Everyone dying to know what she's writing.

Towards the last there had been such disorder in the house that one of the copybooks had been found that very morning by M. de Preuille in a dark and dirty closet where the lamps were cleaned. A few tables, a wardrobe, and a few blue and green armchairs in disorder encumbered more than they furnished the room.

So the strangers saw that the principle which leads parents to bore their unoffending visitors with copybooks and the 'Battle of Prague, is applicable to backwood accomplishments also. As a general rule, conversation does not flourish in the bush. The settler's isolated life is not favourable to exchange of thought, and events are few.

I shall never be able to thank you for what you have done for us both." Peg said, "Oh, chuck it!" but she looked pleased. She went back to Faith and told her that she had failed. "Never mind, honey," she said, when she saw the girl's disappointment. "If at first you don't succeed, you know, try, try, try again, as they used to tell us in the copybooks; and I'm not done yet.

It is time to go to class; with his head hidden in his desk, he turns over all its contents in great haste, upsetting a badly closed ink-bottle over his books and copybooks. The master calls him to order, and he rushes out well behind all the rest of the boys. "He was not one of those ill-intentioned boys whose sole idea is to disturb the class and hinder the work of his comrades.