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Some of them acquired the property of landed estates, which they held by some base or ignoble tenure, sometimes under the king, and sometimes under some other great lord, like the ancient copy-holders of England. Others, without acquiring the property, obtained leases for terms of years, of the lands which they occupied under their lord, and thus became less dependent upon him.

Novelism is a field so filled with copy-holders, so populously tenanted in common, that it requires no light investigation to find a site unoccupied, and a hero or heroine waiting to be hired.

Novelism is a field so filled with copy-holders, so populously tenanted in common, that it requires no light investigation to find a site unoccupied, and a hero or heroine waiting to be hired.

"That's him now," said an ink-smeared lad, and nodded toward a tall, gangling, mustachioed fellow in a black felt hat who had just come up the stairs. Queed marched straight for the little cubbyhole where the proof-readers and copy-holders sweated through their long nights. "You are Mr. Pat, head proof-reader of the Post?" "That's me, sor," said Mr.

All inhabitants, therefore land- owners, free tenants, copy-holders, laborers occupying cottages, even those who held land in the parish but lived somewhere else were by law at liberty to attend the meetings of the parishioners and to join in the exercise of their functions. The same is true of a considerable part of the activity of constables and church-wardens.

"The court-baron is a court incident to every manor in the kingdom, to beholden by the steward within the said manor. This court-baron is of two natures; the one is a customary court, of which we formerly spoke, appertaining entirely to the copy-holders, in which their estates are transferred by surrender and admittance, and other matters transacted relative to their tenures only.