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"And do you mean to say that just for one unfortunate remark a remark that any one might have made in the agitation of the moment you're deliberately turning your back on her, and her broken heart!" "Oh, she's red-hot, too, you know, over what I said about the Van Coorts." "She couldn't have realized that you belonged to the Connecticut Joneses. I didn't know it!"

"Oh, yes, I know Colorado well!" My heart beat high. "Some friends of mine were out there three years ago," I said. "Wouldn't it be strange if by any chance the Van Coorts " "Oh, I left Denver when I was fifteen." Five dollars!

"The Lord only knows what's happened to my practice," he said. "The blamed thing has gone up like a rocket. It seems to me there must be a great wave of sickness passing over New York just now." "Everybody's complaining," I said. This reminded him of my insomnia till I cut him short. "What's the matter with our going down to the Van Coorts' from Saturday to Tuesday," I said.

We've been lookin' all around for ages afther a partner a r'y'l consort. All the iligible faymales av all the coorts av Europe have been solicitin' our alliance. But none av thim wor shuitable. No. Without love, we won't marry we won't adopt the infernal system ay state marriages. Where our heart isn't concerned our r'y'l hand don't go not a bit av it.

His waiting-room was full of people, and I hardly felt entitled to sit down and gas about one thing and the other till the chance offered of leading up to the Van Coorts. So I said I had some queer, shooting sensations in the chest. In five minutes he had me half-stripped and was pounding my midriff in. And the questions that man asked!

"I hould half a dozen could an' miserable acres, an' about three weeks ago, he tuck about one-fourth of the whole produce, owin' to citations to the bishop's coorts, an' a long string o' costs jined to the tithe itself bad luck to it! an' didn't he prove to me that he let me off for a song, an' was the best-hearted procthor that ever strewed a defaulther?

"But if my dooiney molla can't marry my wife, there's one thing he can do for her he can make her house his home in Ramsey when he goes to Douglas for good and comes down here to the coorts once a fortnight." Kate laughed more immoderately than ever; but Philip, with a look of alarm, half rose from his seat, and said across the table, "There's my aunt at Ballure, Pete."

"Divil a shaky," interposed the hon. member for Tipperary. "Arrah, fwy wud the chap call on the Daity? Fishper did ye iver foine justice in a coort? Be me sowl, Oi'd take the man's wurrd agin all the coorts in Austhrillia. An' more betoken divil blasht the blame Oi'd blame him fur sthrekin a match, whin dhruv to that same." All mix eh? "Much the same in English, Theophile," I observed.