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Je me souviens seulement que j'y prouvois savamment que le rire excite par les betises est l'effet du contraste que nous saisissons entre l'effort que fait l'homme qui dit la betise, et le mauvais succes de son effort.

The day after the battle of Prusse-Eylau, his valet thus describes his visit to the field of blood: "Il faisoit un froid glacial, des mourants respiroient encore; la foule des cadavres et les cavitès noiratres qui le sang des hommes avoit laisse dans la neigè faisoit un affreux contraste. L'etat Major etoit peniblement affectè.

"Marsorio has made another epigram, and mistaking me for Pasquin has just whispered it in my ear!" "What did he say? Tell us what our good Marsorio says! Repeat the epigram!" saluted the speaker on every side. "Here it is," returned the voice. "A nos yeux etonnes de sa simplicite Falkenstein a montre la majeste sans faste; Chez nous par un honteux contraste Qu'a-t'il trouve?

It has three winds: the bora, the winter wind, cold, dry, highly electrical, very exciting, and so violent that sometimes the quays are roped, and some of the walls have iron rails set in, to prevent people being blown into the sea; the sirocco, the summer wind, straight from Africa, wet, warm, and debilitating; and the contraste, which means the two blowing at once and against each other, with all the disadvantages of both.

With a combination of blue and green for instance, a yellow shade would appear in the green and a red in the blue. Such a result fails to satisfy the demand, already touched on, for purity and homogeneity of color, that is, for unimpeded seeing of color. <1> Chevreul, De la Loi du Contraste Simultane des Couleurs. E.S. Banker, op. Cit.