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I think I saw a strange face." "He saw yours, Doña Ysabel, and is looking upon you now from the corridor without, although the fog is heavy about him. Cannot you see him that dark shadow by the pillar?" Ysabel never went through the graceful evolutions of the contradanza as she did that night.

When we had told our beads, Don Guillermo rose, put his rosary in his pocket, trotted out, and the dancing was resumed. As the contradanza and its ensuing waltz finished, Estenega went up to Chonita. "You are too tired to dance any more to-night," he said. "Let us sit here and talk. Besides, I do not like to see you whirling about the room in men's arms."

Her father was sound asleep; there could he no doubt of that. She dared not write an answer, but she closed the door and put her lips to the girl's ear. "Tell him," she murmured, horrified at her own boldness "tell him to take me out for the contradanza tonight. There is no other chance." And the girl went back and delivered the message.

She glanced eagerly about the room whilst replying absently to the caballeros who surrounded her. Don Vicente de la Vega was not there. The thick circle about her parted, and General Castro bent over her hand, begging the honour of the contradanza. She sighed, and for the moment forgot the Southerner who had flashed and gone like the beginning of a dream.

Each would be your devoted servant." "And then she have her necklace!" cried Benicia, delightedly. "What is that?" asked Russell; but Doña Eustaquia shook her fan threateningly and turned away. "I no tell you everything," said Benicia, "so no be too curiosa. You no dance the contradanza, no?" "I regret to say that I do not. But this is a plain waltz; will you not give it to me?"

Then all waltzed or took part in their only square dance, the contradanza. They kept it up until morning. Needless to say, our heroes went to bed at an early hour. They were up the next morning with the dawn, and in company with Rafael and the other guests of their own age, went for their canter.

His black ones flashed their language to hers, and Elena wondered if she had ever been unhappy. She barely remembered where she was, forgot that she was a helpless bird in a golden cage. Her mate had flown through the open door. The contradanza ends with a waltz, and as Dario held her in his arms his last remnant of prudence gave way. "Elena, Elena," he murmured passionately, "I love thee.

Hastily changing her black gown for the first her hand touched, it happened to be vivid red and made her look as white as wax, she returned to the sala; not to dance even the square contradanza, but to stand surrounded by worshiping caballeros with curling hair tied with gay ribbons, and jewels in their laces. Valencia regarded her with a bitter jealousy that was rising from red heat to white.

Doña Modeste raised her eyebrows. "Coals are safest when burned on the domestic hearth and carefully watched; safer still when they have fallen to ashes." "What is this rumor of pirates on the coast?" demanded Alvarado, abruptly. I put my hand through Estenega's arm and drew him aside. The music of the contradanza was playing, and we stood against the wall.

After the contradanza, to which they could be admiring spectators only, much to the delight of the caballeros, Benicia took the guitar presented by Flujencio, and letting her head droop a little to one side like a lily bent on its stalk by the breeze, sang the most coquettish song she knew.