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In beautiful but untranslatable language he claims that he was "non magis iuris consultus, quam iustitiae," an encomium which all great lawyers might well envy; he aimed rather at enabling men to be rid of litigation than at encouraging them to engage in it.

being well applied to Soame Jenyns; who, after having wandered in the wilds of infidelity, had returned to the Christian faith . Mr. Langton asked Johnson as to the propriety of sapientiæ consultus. JOHNSON. 'Though consultus was primarily an adjective, like amicus it came to be used as a substantive. So we have Juris consultus, a consult in law.

It was not necessary that the pupil should himself intend to become a consultus; it was enough that he desired to acquire the knowledge for public purposes, although, of course, it required great interest to procure for a young man so high a privilege. Cicero was introduced to Scaevola by the orator Crassus.

The "juris consultus" or the "juris peritus" was the lawyer, and as such was regarded as being of much less importance than the "patronus" or advocate, who stood before the whole city and pleaded the cause. In this trial of Murena, who was by trade a soldier, it suited Cicero to belittle lawyers and to extol the army.

No. 74. SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1753 Insansientis dum sapientiae Consultus erro. HOR. Lib. i. Od. xxxiv. 2. I missed my end, and lost my way By crack-brain'd wisdom led astray.

The police, taken by surprise, though directed by Fouche, attributed this plot to the democrats, against whom the first consul had a much more decided antipathy than against the Chouans. Many of them were imprisoned, and a hundred and thirty were transported by a simple senatus- consultus asked and obtained during the night.

On the motion of Chabot de l'Allier, the tribunal resolved: "That the first consul, general Bonaparte, should receive a signal mark of national gratitude." In pursuance of this resolution, on the 6th of May, 1802, an organic senatus- consultus appointed Bonaparte consul for an additional period of ten years.

'CHAP. LXXII. Concerning snakes. 'There are no snakes to be met with throughout the whole island . At dinner we talked of another mode in the newspapers of giving modern characters in sentences from the classicks, and of the passage 'Pareus deorum cultor, et infrequens, Insanientis dum sapientiæ Consultus erro, nunc retrorsùm Vela dare, atque iterare cursus Cogor relictos :