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Edmonstone, on whom he used to lavish, with boyish eagerness, all that interested him, carrying her the passages in books that pleased him, telling her about Redclyffe's affairs, and giving her his letters from Markham, the steward. His head was full of his horse, Deloraine, which was coming to him under the charge of a groom, and the consultations were endless about the means of transport, Mr.

Owing to the frequent consultations which these preparations made necessary the Celebrity was much in the company of my client, which he came greatly to prefer to mine, and I therefore abandoned my determination to leave Asquith.

The Announcement of his Appearance at the Astor-place Opera House, and Forrest at the Broadway Theatre the same Night posted Side by Side. Bowery Boys crowd the Opera House. Anxiety of the Managers. Consultations and Dramatic Scenes behind the Curtain. Stamping of the People. Scene on raising the Curtain. Stormy Reception of Macready. Howled down. Mrs.

But as I see, sir, no reason for hoping that all the encouragement which can be offered, will raise volunteers in a sufficient number to secure our navigation, and assert our sovereignty, it seems not proper to confine our consultations to this part of the bill; for since compulsion is on many occasions apparently necessary, some method requires to be considered, in which it may be legal.

Yet this melancholy comfort she could not obtain without the advice and mediation of Fathom, whom she therefore still continued to see and consult. While these consultations were held, Renaldo's bosom was ravaged with tempests of rage and distraction.

These and many other edicts were issued from Marlanx's temporary headquarters in the Plaza almost at the foot of the still veiled monument of the beloved Princess Yetive. Toward evening, after many consultations and countless reports, Marlanx removed his headquarters to the Tower. He had fondly hoped to be in the Castle long before this.

At these consultations held by the officers in the cabin, I noticed Van Luck was never present. He made an excuse for his absence that, as first officer, his place was on deck when the captain was below. Although this could not be disputed, yet I bethought me he might have found an opportunity to add his voice to our councils had he the inclination to do it.

He had not thought of looking out for a nice little house in a good residential suburb where they would have pleasant society; there were to be no consultations about wall-papers, or jocose whispers from friends as to the necessity of having a room that would do for a nursery.

Chapter vii. 7. Ne vous ingerez pas dans les entretiens & les consultations, vous ne serez pas asseuré d'estre le bien venu. Ne dites iamais vostre aduis des affaires que l'on ne vous l'ait demandé, si toutesfois vous n'estes le premier en authorité, & que ce ne soit point

CONSULI: probably refers to private legal consultations as well as to the deliberations of the senate. UT QUAEQUE OPTIME: Cic. often uses ut quisque with superlatives, ita following; see n. on Lael. 19. Translate ut ... ita 'in proportion as ... so'. MORATA: from mos. MODO: in 59. MEMORIAE PRODITUM EST: in Verr. 5, 36 Cic. uses ad memoriam instead of the dative.