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Blyth's copious stores of consolation, had partaken of an excellent and plentiful hot lunch, and had passed an hour up stairs with the ladies, he predicted his own reformation just as confidently as he had predicted his own ruin about two hours before; and went away to Kirk Street, to see that his friend Mat was at home to receive Valentine that evening, stepping along as nimbly and swinging his stick as cheerfully, as if he had already vindicated himself to his father by winning every prize medal that the Royal Academy could bestow.

How I used to pray to Heaven for consolation and support! With what dread force the conviction would grasp me that Fate was my permanent foe, never to be conciliated. I did not, in my heart, arraign the mercy or justice of God for this; I concluded it to be a part of his great plan that some must deeply suffer while they live, and I thrilled in the certainty that of this number, I was one.

"I shall tell Charles that you will cherish Deesha. It is well that we can let her remain here, beside the graves of her children. Bury them with honour, Margot." In time of peace, and if her children had perished by any other mode, it might have been a consolation to Deesha to dwell for a time beside their graves.

Did they realize what it meant to shatter that hallowed bond, to deprive the parent of her offspring's help and consolation the child of its mother's fostering care? Let them consider the lives of all t hose great men of the past who were known to have had mothers Themistocles, Dante, Virgil, Peter the Hermit and Madame de Maintenon why had they achieved distinction in the world?

A man can but die once; and if we fail in this we shall at least have the consolation of feeling that we fell whilst doing our duty for there can be no mistake about its being our duty to bring about the destruction of that gang of pirates who, I now feel convinced, are lurking among those lagoons inside the Barcos Channel." "Yes," said I, "I think there can be no doubt about that.

Where is she, that has no place among us, but has come foul with her sins, like the Evil One, among the children of God? Where is she, Jeanie? Bring her before me, that I may kill her with a word and a look!" All hastened around him with their appropriate sources of consolation the Laird with his purse, Jeanie with burnt feathers and strong waters, and the women with their exhortations.

This was the best consolation "Sails" had to offer, but it did not seem to be just the thing the carpenter wanted; for, during several days, he was very much dejected, and bore with difficulty the jokes of the sailors, and with still more difficulty their attempts at advice and consolation, of most of which the sailmaker's was a good specimen. Thursday, Feb. 25th.

They listened in wonderment as the prices went up by leaps and bounds. Then said one to the other, "Come awa, mon! We dinna want nae sour grapes." For them, however, and for others whose means did not run to Christmas market prices, there was consolation in store.

Kindly and practical, he offered her the consolation of immediate action; and the crushing sense of loss began gradually to lose its hold upon her. "I am going to tell you everything all I know," he said. "I told him I should do so if you came to me. I only wish you had come a little sooner, but that is beside the point." Again he paused. Her eyes were upon him, but she said nothing.

Whatever a day may bring you, whatever terrible gifts of woe, if you search her closely, you will always find the strength to meet her face to face. Overshadowed by her burden of bitterness, one fails to find the balm. Concealed within her garments or held loosely in her hand, she always has her bit of consolation; rosemary in the midst of her rue, belief with the doubt, life with the death."