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This elderly man, most likely an old soldier, seemed as proud of the museum as if it were his own especial property. I was at once shown over the spacious, airy, well-kept building school of art and conservatorium of music in one, both built, set on foot, and maintained by the municipality.

His Efforts soothe the Sufferings of Beethoven's Deathbed. Friendship for Mendelssohn. Moscheles becomes connected with the Leipzig Conservatorium. Death in 1870. Moscheles as Pianist and Composer. Sympathy with the Old as against the New School of the Piano. His Powerful Influence on the Musical Culture and Tendencies of his Age.

Infected by his friend's enthusiasm, Maurice here recalled having, only the day before, met some one who answered to Dove's description: the genial Pole had been storming up the steps of the Conservatorium, two at a time, with wild, affrighted eyes, and a halo of dishevelled auburn hair. Dove made no doubt that he had been seized with a sudden inspiration.

You intend to enter the Conservatorium, you say. Well, be sure you get under a good man that's half the battle. Try and play privately to either Schwarz or Bendel. If you go in for the public examination with all the rest, the people in the BUREAU will put you to anyone they like, and that is disastrous. Choose your own master, and beard him in his den beforehand." "Yes ... and you recommend?

Throughout February, and the greater part of March, the HAUPTPRUFUNGEN were held in the Conservatorium: twice a week, from six to eight o'clock in the evening, the concert hall was crammed with an eager crowd.

Assuredly, the reasons lie in the want of a proper Conservatorium of German music a Conservatory, in the strictest sense of the word, in which the traditions of the CLASSICAL MASTERS' OWN style of execution are preserved in practice which, of course, would imply that the masters should, once at least, have had a chance personally to supervise performances of their works in such a place.

But one day, about a fortnight later, she came upon him at a different hour, when he was not expecting to see her. He was strolling up and down in front of the Conservatorium, waiting for Louise, who might appear at any moment.

In 1857 he was pensioned off, much against his own wish, and in the winter of the same year he had the misfortune to break his arm, an accident which put an end to his violin playing. Nevertheless he conducted his opera "Jessonda" at the fiftieth anniversary of the Prague Conservatorium in the following year, with all his old-time energy. In 1859 he died at Cassel.

The Conservatorium, royally endowed and municipally controlled, held to its time-honoured customs with tenacity. The older masters laboured to uphold tradition, and such younger ones as were progressively inclined, had not the influence to effect a change.

Towards seven o'clock the following evening, Maurice loitered about the vestibule of the Conservatorium. In spite of his attempt to time himself, he had arrived too early, and his predecessor on the programme had still to play two movements of a sonata by Beethoven. As he stood there, Madeleine entered by the street-door.