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During these years immense sums of money were spent in water conservations by the Government of the day and Victorian investors, and in a large measure without meeting success. When I went to Townsville in 1868, the principal, and also the first carrier there, was a man named Courtney, who owned eight bullock teams.

Oh, Man of the new ages of science, will you have the new fore-knowledge, the magical command of effects, which the scientific inquiry into causes as they are actual in nature, puts into our hands, in every other practice, in every other culture and cure, will you have the rule of this knowledge imposed upon your fields, and orchards, and gardens, to assist weak nature in her 'conservations' and 'advancements' in these, to teach her to bring forth here the latent ideals, towards which she struggles and vainly yearns, and can only point to, and wait for, till science accepts her hints; will you have the Georgics of this new Virgil to load your table with its magic clusters; will you take the Novum Organum to pile your plate with its ideal advancements on spontaneous nature and her perfections; will you have the rule of that Organum applied in its exactest rigors, to all the physical oppositions of your life, to minister to your physical safety, and comfort, and luxury, and never relax your exactions from it, till the last conceivable degree of these has been secured; and in this department of art and science, this, in which the sum of our good and evil is contained, in a mere oversight of it, in a disgraceful indifference and carelessness about it, be content to accept, without criticism, the machinery of the past instrumentalities that the unlearned ages of the world have left to us, arts whose precepts were concluded ages ere we knew that knowledge is power.

These caves we call the Lower Region; and we use them for all coagulations, indurations, refrigerations, and conservations of bodies. We use them likewise for the imitation of natural mines; and the producing also of new artificial metals, by compositions and materials which we use, and lay there for many years.

"Try what?" "To get her away from Spaulding; get her back to me and happiness. We were happy, God knows we were!" "If you if she were happy, then her going proved something stronger than happiness called her." "Women are like that. They hold the world back by their conventions and conservations. They ask for freedom and and equality, and then they cling to tradition in spite of all."

For we find that the depth of an hill, and the depth of a cave from the flat, is the same thing; both remote alike from the sun and heaven's beams, and from the open air. These caves we call the lower region. And we use them for all coagulations, indurations, refrigerations, and conservations of bodies.

The Elizabethan Men of Letters were men, in whom the revival of 'the Wisdom of the Ancients, which in its last results, in its most select and boasted conservations had combined in vain to save antiquity, found the genius of a happier race, able to point out at a glance the defect in it; men who saw with a glance at those old books what was the matter with them; men prepared already to overlook from the new height of criticism which this sturdy insular development of the practical genius of the North created, the remains of that lost civilization the splendours rescued from the wreck of empires, the wisdom which had failed so fatally in practice that it must needs cross from a lost world of learning to the barbarian's new one, to find pupils that it must needs cross the gulf of a thousand years in learning such work had it made of it ere it could revive, the wisdom rescued from the wreck it had piloted to ruin, not to enslave, and ensnare, and doom new ages, and better races, with its futilities, but to be hung up with its immortal beacon-light, to shew the track of a new learning, to shew to the contrivers of the chart of new ages, the breakers of that old ignorance, that old arrogant wordy barren speculation.