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It will be better not to see her before your departure. Questionings and explanations are dangerous. After all this is forgotten, you may return and work out the career I had hoped for you." Loris, sorrowful and conscience-stricken, kissed his father's hand and slowly left the room. On the morrow, the Seventh Cossack Regiment received orders from St.

"On such and such a day, benevolence, threescore and fifteen years ago, the imperishable founder of the existing dynasty ascended on a fiery dragon to be a guest on high," confessed the conscience-stricken scribe, after consulting his printed tablets. "Owing to the stress of a sudden journey significance of the date had previously escaped my weed-grown memory, tolerance."

She was filled with a sense of shame, which was due not solely to the fact that she was a little conscience-stricken because of her innocent complicity, nor that her husband did not resent an obvious attempt of a high-handed man to browbeat him; but also to the feeling that the character of the discussion had in some strange way degraded the house itself.

And, without mentioning the name, Rose put the book into his hand. The instant his eye fell on the title he understood the look she wore and knew what "mischief" she had been in. He knit his brows, then smiled, because it was impossible to help it Rose looked so conscience-stricken in spite of her twenty years. "How do you find it? Interesting?" "Oh, very!

How does it feel to be Priscilla?" "Well, if Priscilla's hands looked like mine," exclaimed Lucy despairingly, "John Alden must have been madly in love with her. How do you keep yours clean?" "That's a secret," replied Hardy, "but I'll tell you. I never touch the outside of a pot and I scour them with sandsoap. But I wish you'd stop cooking, Lucy; it makes me feel conscience-stricken.

She was delighted with the fortitude of her little friend for fortitude she knew it was in her to give up being in company and stay at home; and she could now invite the very person whom she really wanted to make the eighth, Jane Fairfax. Since her last conversation with Mrs. Weston and Mr. Knightley, she was more conscience-stricken about Jane Fairfax than she had often been. Mr.

He will be able to give a good account of his stewardship when the Lord comes; there will be an awkward reckoning for you in that day." The three friends had ceased to smoke, and were listening to Mr. Durnford's deliverance open-mouthed. They respected their minister, and valued his esteem. They were rather conscience-stricken, than offended now. "But, surely, sir," said Mr.

Poor Bel was merely frightened and conscience-stricken, her usual condition after every sermon to which she listened. As, during the brief remnant of the service, Hemstead dropped into consciousness of the world around him, he felt at first, rather than saw, the chill he had caused, instead of a glow answering to his own feelings.

If the vigour of Harley's address had taken by surprise both friend and foe, not one in that assembly not even the conscience-stricken Egerton felt its effect so deeply as the assailed and startled Leonard.

Her father would practically abandon betting, and, should he have been fortunate enough to have backed a winner, would at once rush on conscience-stricken feet to pour the whole of his gains into the nearest missionary collecting-box.