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L'Utilité des Voyages qui concernent la Connoissance des Inscriptions, Sentences, Dieux, Larés, Peintures anciennes, Bas Reliefs, &c. Langues, &c.; avec un Memoire de quelques Observations générales qu'on peut faire pour ne pas voyager inutilement. Par Ch. C. Baudelot Dairval. 2 vol. 12mo. Paris 1656. The Rouen edition is much inferior. This is an excellent work.

I became impatient, and was about to summon Antonio, when he made his appearance, but unaccompanied by the stranger. "What, in the name of all that is singular," I demanded, "have you been about? Who is that man?" "Mon maitre," said Antonio, "c'est un monsieur de ma connoissance. With your permission I will now take a mouthful, and as we journey along I will tell you all that I know of him."

We were now "en pays de connoissance," but our cattle were so much weakened by the work and privations of the last three or four days, that we could not attempt the long and difficult descent into the valley beneath. I therefore rode on alone and reached Badjghar in a few hours. I immediately visited Capt.

We'd come up the woods behind the house, and while Joe was foragin', I took are connoissance. The view was fust-rate, for the main part of it was a girl airin' beds on the roof of a stoop. Now, jest about that time, havin' a leisure spell, I'd begun to think of marryin', and took a look at all the girls I met, with an eye to business.

If we wish our commerce to be free and uninsuked, we must let these nations see that we have an energy which at present they disbelieve. The low opinion they entertain of our powers, cannot fail to involve us soon in a naval war. I shall send you with this, if I can., and if not, then by the first good conveyance, the Connoissance des Tems for the years 1786 and 1787, being all as yet published.

"Il y a vingt et cinq ans passez qu'il ne me fut monstre une coupe de terre, tournee et esmaillee d'une telle beaute que . . . deslors, sans avoir esgard que je n'avois nulle connoissance des terres argileuses, je me mis a chercher les emaux, comme un homme qui taste en tenebres." Bernard Palissy.

Quand j'arrivai, quatre ou cinq Arabes de la connoissance du mien vinrent au devant de nous. Ils me descendirent de mon âne, me firent coucher sur un matelas que je portois, et l

He stopped for some time to converse with them, and when he joined us at the posada where we halted, I asked him who they were: "Mon maitre," said he, "ce sont des messieurs de ma connoissance. I have been fellow servant at different times with all three; and I tell you beforehand, that we shall scarcely pass through a village in this country where I shall not find an acquaintance.

La situation de cette ville n'est pas precisement sur le Niger; mais elle y a son port, nomme Cabra, a quelques milles de distance. Comme aucune des nations commercantes de l'Europe n'a penetre aussi avant dans les terres, en cette partie d'Afrique, que la nation Francoise, par ses etablissemens sur le Senega, elle est plus a portee qu'une autre d'acquerir quelque connoissance de cet interieur.

These are the Bibliothèque Physico-oeconomique, which will give you most of the late improvements in the arts; the Connoissance des Terns for 1786 and 1787, which is as late as they are published; and some pieces on air and fire, wherein you will find all the discoveries hitherto made on these subjects.